New Magic Made Here~~what do you think? |
Heartbreak Can Be Fixed Where does it end? On what does it depend? When it is broken That is when it has truly spoken.
Thou doest not fear Though thou might tear It seems too much to bear But it's really only a small tear.
It is when the truth is discovered That the tear is covered And when that switch is turned on Is when the lustful feelings are gone.
When its love was blank That's when it sank Into an abyss Of loneliness
The Waiting My love is made fresh After having gone through so much stress My love is alone and waiting Tired of despising and hating My love is tender and soft Done with being alone and aloft My love is locked inside a box The key not open only to a fox My love is seeking for what it wants And does not look for those who taunt My love is strong and waiting For that one who is seeking
Pinkii Shine · Mon Apr 24, 2006 @ 11:07pm · 2 Comments |
I've lost my laughter.......... |
oh my... stare
okay..i've felt so bleh lately...like so bleh that i can't even talk to my luff(danny/unlii) like..i'll try to talk but nothing comes out. it sucks so bad. like, i wish this wouldnt happen. i don't even know what's wrong with meh. i just want to sleep and go to school and play basketball. i feel like i've been such a horrible girlfriend and that i can't satisfy danny like he wants me to. i feel i am never talking to him enough, or calling him enough, or writing to him enough, or sayin i love him enough. i feel like he loves me so much and i have nothing to offer...alls i can give him is the love i have for him...but nothing more...he has my heart and everything...i just...i don't know. he works so hard everyday to earn money come and see me and i feel like i am just sitting here while he works so hard! gonk
i am always asking myself..."am i good enough?".."do i deserve him?".."why does he love me?"
frickin gosh...i complicate the hell out of myself...really, i do...i'm so confoosing
*heavy sigh* whee
welps...i really don't know what to say...my mind is twisting in a million different ways...i feel so uninspired and i feel like a big letdown to my love, which is worst of all..i hope he will keep loving me as he does and doesnt lose sight of how much i really love him... sweatdrop sweatdrop rolleyes
Pinkii Shine · Tue Mar 28, 2006 @ 12:01am · 6 Comments |
my own avi art....tell me honestly what you think....<3 |

be honest please!!! i may only cry a little if you call it ugly....hehe..j/k.. blaugh heart
Pinkii Shine · Thu Mar 16, 2006 @ 07:03am · 6 Comments |
okay...so i find myself trying to stay awake for the ball to drop down and announce the beginnings of a new and long year....yet, i can't find anything to do(since i am up awake by myself).....so, i come online.....no one's on but me.....then i decide to look at my journal, and behold! i haven't written in here for a long time...maybe for too long.... oh wellz....
whelpz, where to start....hhmmmm...
i totally can't stop thinking about danny...i wonder why...
OH! i saw the movie called Fun With d**k and Jane!! that movie totally rocked!! it was funny as hell and i am sooooo buying it when it comes out for sale...i recommend that everyone should see it as soon as possible....oh, and king kong was also a great movie. i saw that last night, it made me cry!! but it was a good movie overall....alot of graphic scenes, but good!! just go see it, okay!! gosh....
hhmmmmmm...i love to read V.C. Andrews books (unimportant info., but always good to know, right?)
i hate lindsey lohan...BUT i'm in love with her one song called Confessions Of A Broken Heart...great song!!! sad...but that's why i like it..cliche?
something frickin ausome: my car just finished getting a bitchin paint job(all metallic black with pink stripes down the sides) and a new sound system...i'm in the process of "pimpin my ride yo!!" hehe..but yeah, next i'm gettin rims...nice ones. i'm so excited!! i love my car!! i named her LC for multiple reasons (ask why i called my baby car that, and i'll tell)...
hhmmmmm...did i mention new years is a very lonely time??? well, if i didn't mention that...it's something you can know..it sucks!!
another honorable mention: linkin park rocks!!! they came on my iPod and i just had to say that they rock!! oh...and GREENDAY is always the top honorable mention!! they are the bestest band ever!! but i'm sure ya'll already knew that, right?
well well well, i think i've done all the rambling that i am capable of in one night... i hope you have enjoyed reading all my random thoughts...
be safe. be well. be happy. be content. be RICH AND GREEDY!!!(not really, that's horrible, but i had to say that to just say something totally opposite of everything else.. )
okie dokie....enjoy the rest of the holidays my friends!!
now and always, your beloved, heart pinkii heart
Pinkii Shine · Tue Jan 03, 2006 @ 07:09pm · 3 Comments |
garth brooks knows what he's talkin bout... |
"there's this love that is burning deep in my soul constantly yearning to get out of control, wanting to climb higher and higher, i can't abide, standing outside the fire..."
::::i love the lyrics in this song...this is just one of my favorite parts of the song..::::
Garth Brooks: "Standing Outside The Fire"
heart heart
Pinkii Shine · Fri Sep 23, 2005 @ 05:40am · 2 Comments |
well, i haven't written here in a while, which is very shameful on my part. tisk tisk to me... xd
hhmmmm..what to say? basically nothing to say. except my butt hurts..lol..yes, i did some conditioning with my basketball team yesterday and my butt muscles are sooooo sore!!! gonk it even hurts to sit down...can you believe that?!!!
anywho, on a positive note, my volleyball team is doing very well. blaugh . last weekend we won the championships of our tournament and that was kewl. i like my trophie that i got from it. hehe. and we have another game tomorrow against one of the best teams around our area and i hope we're gonna win!! ninja wink
but yeah, since school started last week, i've been so tired lately..i used to go to bed at like 3am, but now i go to bed at 11pm at the latest!!!! i used to be known as a nightowl, but not anymore..nope..i'm a day owl now...if that makes any sense....
well, i hope everyone is doing well!!!
i miss my friends: legendary robin hood, lunar, kare, nightsnow, lilgreenman, braided black wings, iamlonewolf, pheobe, and all others that i talk to often...i miss talkin to you guyz!! if you read this, send me a PM or comment or something... mrgreen
okay, well, i got nothing else to say and i bet you're tired of reading this by now, so saiyonara!!..for now..
~ heart pinkii~
Pinkii Shine · Thu Sep 15, 2005 @ 06:59am · 2 Comments |