ArtPad Art:
By Reesee
By Nappy
Avi Art:
 By: Reesee
 By: I dunno! PM if you drew this!
 By: I dunno! PM me if you drew this!
 By: Ieatknives

 Both By: Powdered Vinegar heart
 By: Annee-chan!

 Drawn by Legen Dairy
Yep! this is all my avi art! If you love me, draw me more art! Some of the images DID wind up getting resized and I can't make them big again (like the first one...sorry Reesee!) If I get anymore avi art, I'll add it to this page. Thank you all who drew me! I heart you all!! blaugh
Pup in Fluff · Fri Aug 26, 2005 @ 02:54am · 2 Comments |