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The addiction
It seems rather amusing at first, when someone is addicted. It stems from a small little drug. For me, this drug is the electronic video game. Now, this just makes me sound like a normal little teenager, Sadly I am not. But that is a story for another time... This "Game" that is my drug has spawned from deep inside my memory. When I was small, I would sit in front of a computer mesmorized, not unlike I am now, playing a Blizzard game called Diablo. A few years later I found a copy of Diablo II in my dad's friend's disk case. I had been hooked on that. Just recently, I found my old copy of Diablo II. My heart sank when I found that the disk didn't work. A week later I read that I can go on blizzard and register a "CD Key". Once that is done I'm able to download the full game, excluding expansion(s), to any computer I want. When I started playing again, I was dismayed to find that the Blizzard servers had become a haven for RMT (Real Money Traders) advertising their hax and cheat that you can "Purchase" with actually money. I can only imagine what horrors befall both the Diablo account and pc IP address when this scam is fallen for. Other than the occasional RMT though, it is a wonderful game with vast lands to explore and terrifying demon to fight. It is, my drug.

My website VVV biggrin
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