Hi There!
I would firstly like to say that I am going to be hiring a vice captain - Applications should be sent to DJDrum and then a vote must be taken. I shall reply later on for nominations or people who would be interested in it.
I would also like to point out that from the either 3/11 or 4/11 there will be a Lottery - all profits shall be sent to the guild for more subforums.
I may soon be opening a subforum for a Arena. art arena, avi arena, all in one... And probably a subforum just for mods upwards so I can get accross my views and templates for invitations. and maybe... MAYBE a poll forum.
Please vote in the above poll so I can know which ones you want first.
Also I would like ALL the guild moderators to start sending invitations to people to join the guild - Templates will be available soon. -.0
This is the first newsletter from the Elven Ears and I shall be publishing the next one in just 7 days time. If you want to hold a competition, or just a house/rally party just PM me and I will put it in the next newsletter.
I shall soon post a signature topic full of signatures you can use for your signature (elven ears related..)
Alas it is time for me to go, but please feel free to leave a comment on what you want included next time.
Guild Owner/Maintaner.
I would also like to say thanks to everyone who has joined so far.
DJDrum Community Member |