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thE asyLuM oF immoLatioN
in full randomness, i write...
it was a very cold night. Raining. You can hear the heaven’s wrath all over the place. You can see Jessica standing on top of that old abandoned building – alone. Walking to and fro, it’s like she’ll just never stop. Taking small but immediate steps, one can tell she is troubled. The torrential rain began to pour stronger.

“Get the hell out of my face…”

The voice she can hear over and over again. It is consuming her whole being.

Jessica is the president of the school’s student council. She was never out of the school’s list of finest. But a brain is not all that she has. She was crowned as the beauty queen of their town. You can even assemble a whole soccer team with her suitors alone. Having these qualities though, she never had once a boyfriend. “Well, I don’t need any…” she often says to her friends. “They’ll just give you a bunch of headaches…”

Only one semester left and they will be marching their way out of school. She had a clash one evening with a guy during that victory party. “Watch your steps, honey.” the cockiest guy of the school varsity. “Oh! Watch your steps, mister!” Jessica replied as she turns her back away, wearing a grin on her face. “Did you know whom you just bumped?” an excited friend approached her. “He’s the hottest guy here in school! How come you talked to him that way?” “I don’t care if he is the hottest guy here or what. Ugh! He is so arrogant! He didn’t even apologize to what he did??” answers Jessica. Not from afar they heard Kyle shouted “Hey! You must be Jessica. The loveliest girl in town…” Kyle smiles as he approached them. He looked at her intently. “I’m sorry for what I did earlier. I shouldn’t act that way.” “Oh how nice of you.” The red Jessica answers disdainfully “why don’t you just go? Go away, and stop messin’ ‘round will ya?”

Who would have thought that this classic love story would come to Jessica’s life? The most admired girl in town, the hottest guy in school, and the most perfect couple they were. They are envied for they are the sweetest partners who ever dwelled on earth. They were so perfect that everything seemed to be right. Jessica was so in love.

It was one sunny afternoon. The two had a luncheon in Kyle’s condo unit. They were so sugary sweet to each other. They were like kissing and embracing each other, enjoying the loving arms of each other. Jessica never wanted to take a whirl.
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It was a sunny afternoon. The sun was shining so brightly and the heat is never ceasing. They are enjoying the hugs and embrace of each other. They felt like the newly born babies. The heat is still on. They were sweating. They were gasping for breath. But they were never tired. “I love you…” she said. Kyle smiled.

Days passed. Maybe weeks or a month. Jessica felt a sudden change. Kyle is almost nowhere to be found. They talked as seldom as a rose would bloom. They meet only once in a blue moon. The sweetness now tasted sour. Jessica asked, “Why?” “What do you mean why?” the only reply she heard from her Kyle. She never felt this way before. Her soft cheeks became a stream where tears came rushing through.

Jessica speaks, “I love you. Do you love me?”

“Why you askin’ that?”

“Answer me…”

“I dunno the hell is goin’ on wit ya…”

“I love you.”

“Cut it out, will ya! I dunno why you askin’ me that question.”

“I’m pregnant.”


“I’m pregnant… I need you. We need you…”

“You gotta be kiddin’ me girl.”

“Do I hell look like kidding?? You said you love me. I believe that. I trusted you. Now tell me that you still love me too. Tell me please. Tell me.” Tears never stopped flowing from her eyes. She knelt. She cried. “I need you. We need you bad.”

“Get the hell out of my face…” Kyle left her alone. He was never looking back and will never look back.

She was absent in her class. Everyone is missing her. Some were worried. Her family was baffling. They were problematic. A furious man his father was, and so her mother. They were crying and screaming on top of their voice. A slap. “You are such a fool!!! You ‘re a disgrace to this family…” Jessica was crying. Her mouth just can’t utter even a single word. She was trembling. “Get the hell out of my face.” Her father shouted in tears. “GET THE HELL OUT OF MY FACE!”

She cannot count how many times she heard those words. Could it be more than the teardrops she shed? Could it be more than the pain she is enduring? It was resounding. It echoes everywhere she goes. She was confused. Bewildered. Distressed. She has nowhere to run.

“Get the hell out of my face…”

“Get the hell out of my face…”

It reverberates. It is all that she can hear, as she sees nothing. She was confounded.

“Get the hell out of my face…”

It was a very cold night. Raining. You can hear the heaven’s wrath all over the place. You can see Jessica standing on top of that old abandoned building – alone. Walking to and fro, it’s like she’ll just never stop. Taking small but immediate steps, one can tell she is troubled. The torrential rain began to pour stronger.

The thunderous shout of the heavens made noise. It roared like it never did before. Glass shatters. The color of rain was no longer clear. It shaded deeper than the color of that rose. It was scattered all over the place. They will no longer hear her cry. They will no longer hear an angel cry.

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