oh wow. I cant believe in a couple of months I'll never go to school again. Its been a part of my life for so long now. I wonder what's going to happen once I'm done.
I still have to hand in my art major project and the big exams are coming up... but after that its over. Done.
I opened an art shop a few days ago. its been more successful then I thought it would be O.o its cool knowing I've found a way to make lots of money without endless bumping. some of the commissions I get are really fun to draw X3
Anastius · Fri Aug 24, 2007 @ 02:49am · 0 Comments |
Getting rid of bad habits is harder then I had thought @_@ |
God.. I cant believe I'm still here O.o I managed to stay away from gaia for about two weeks before I cracked and came back. Shows how much self dicipline I have >.>; On the bright side, I'm getting all my homework done, and I'm not going on AS MUCH as I used to. So maybe my short gaia fast wasnt completely useless afer all ^_^;
On another note, I love year 11. The teachers are awsome, my subjects are awsome, but best of all...
...No maths.
*blissfull sigh* heart
Anastius · Mon Mar 06, 2006 @ 07:28am · 3 Comments |
This is hopefully the last post I'll be making here for a long time. I'm starting year 11, which pretty much means the start of my HSC. The most important years of my schooling. Gaia has always been a great distraction to me, which is why I was never too good at school. I've decided I have to change that, which means, for starters I'll have to cut back on the time I spend here by as much as I can.
Its going to be hard, I'll miss the roleplaying alot, but its something I know I have to do. So hopefully I'll manage it.
Anastius · Wed Jan 25, 2006 @ 07:06am · 2 Comments |
I just had what felt like the best christmas I've ever had heart
In truth, it wasnt much diffeent from any other christmas we'v had in the past, only our parents where working christmas so we had the big traditional dinner on christmas eve, and that we all got to meet my sisters (one of them anyway >.< wink girlfriend...
It was all in all, pretty cool, There was lots of food (I'm never eating shrimp again *shudder*) the main course was nice but I think we all enjoyed dessert more - If I was any good at making food I would make myself Tiramisu every damn weekend O.O
And then of course there was christmas day itself. We all got some pretty awsome stuff, My older brother finally got his graphics tablet, my youngest sis got a whole bunch of Emily the strange stuff, there was no end to the punk clothes and I finally have my first volume of Death Note - And now I'm in love with L, I cant wait for my birthday so I can go buy the next volume...
I also got some awsome clothes and the Gorrilaz album - God I love that band...
All in all, it was pretty cool xd
Anastius · Mon Dec 26, 2005 @ 04:04am · 0 Comments |
Well, I've been out of school for approximately three weeks now, I'm unbelievably relieved year 10's gone. I can still remember walking away with this sudden feeling that some kind of looming shadow I didnt know was there had suddenly evaporated and made the air all nice and fresh. I'm positive I smiled all the way home >.<
Since then I've done all sorts of things, read, draw, smirk evilly to myself as I watch my two younger sisters wake up early and prepare for school (they have a week or two left yet XD) Sleep alot... I'm pretty sure I went out shopping at least twice, things have generally been pretty interesting.
...And now, since I have nothing left to talk about, heres a picture of Simba and Mufasa:
Anastius · Wed Dec 14, 2005 @ 10:31am · 0 Comments |
I'm in my last week of school - which means my last year as a junior high student. Next year I become a senior. eek
So far, we've spent our week doing a number of activities organised by some Youth company that often works with teenagers. Its more interesting ythen I first thought it'd be (though i'm still regretting not going on that Beach camp with my friends crying )
We spent the morning doing some strange activities(like some game called "Drill Seargent... which involved a lot of yelling...) and winning candy for it. Then after lunch there where a bunch of courses we could take. I chose massages.
And now I'm considering a career as a Massage Therapist xd I'm interested to see how the rest of the week plays out now...
Anastius · Mon Nov 28, 2005 @ 04:58am · 0 Comments |
Not long ago I was saving up to buy myself some art of one of the Rp characters I used once - A gyspey - when I suddenly came across a My little pony art shop.
I have never been particularly fond of My little pony, but I used to visit Elfwood quite often, and I'd always come across these custome made ponies people had drawn for themselves, and eventually, I decided I wanted one too. So I set about drawing, and as it turned out, I managed two. Though, because of my facination for drawing sad things - and giving them sad stories -, one ended up covered in bloody bandages and with a tendancy to hurt himself, and the other an antisocial smoker&&
Anyway, As I came across this Mlp shop, I realised it would be nice to see my 'custom made ponies' redrawn, as I'd lost the origional pictures a while ago.
This was the result
![User Image](https://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a379/Corgi_Dog23/mp.jpg)
I quite like it actually ><; Butterfly's a good artist.
Anastius · Sat Nov 19, 2005 @ 02:45am · 0 Comments |
Hey, welcome to the General Idea. I'm not sure how or why your here but here you be and I welcome you again.
Nothing particularly exciting abot this place. Its just like any other journal really, a place for me to ramble endlessly about nothing inparticular, about life, gaia, rolaplaying... Anything that crosses my mind. In any case, if you havent already left in search of something more interesting to do other then listen to me talk endlessly about nothing, I hope you enjoy your stay at the General Idea. May your stay be fruitfull and fuflling.
Anastius · Fri Nov 18, 2005 @ 07:56am · 0 Comments |