-l D i a r i a l-
Community Member
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 @ 03:28am
Day 2: Random
Wow, well today was really boring, but I needed the rest. I met this cool guy named Nate lol. He was so much fun to talk to. Um, well I really need to txt Cassie about tomorrow, but I'll do that later. I'm really tired, if I haven't mentioned that. But well, okay so I had a dream about Unicorns... o-e I don't like unicorns. I just really can't wait til school starts. Is there a certain person whose laugh you hate so much? Thats my mom.. ugh She's so loud. Fruit.. mmm, fruit. I really would like a peach right now, but my mom doesn't know how to choose them, so they are all hard and s**t lol. ANYWAYS.. I'm just blabbing, lol I wonder how many people have read this fare, if you have comment to me your favorite ice cream flavor.. yeah That.. well anyways, I'm off. Lata playah hata
P.S. ... Why did I put P.S.? Well I'm too lazy to change it.. Well anyways.. UGH i hate it when people change their minds at the last minute and don't tell you UNTIL the last SECOND.. ._. okay well bye
Valerie Renee Campos
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 @ 01:22am
Day 1: Trust
Well this is Day 1, and I highly doubt anyone is reading this, but it's worth a shot.
Lately, I haven't been so truthfull :/ I'm not going to tell you why, but I know it was horribly wrong. But I was thinking like 5 minutes ago. You know how you have that person(s) that you can trust with anything, and those people you FORCE yourself to trust? Have you ever just stopped and thought about which one is which? I have, again like 5 minutes ago. I've noticed that I've forced myself to trust so many people, and have lied to myself that I trusted them to the extent where I actually believed it. It may not make any since to you, but Its like convincing yourself that you didn't do something you did. I don't know, it's wierd. Well anyways this is running kind of long. So, yeah. Just me blabbing about some stuff today, nothing exciting. Sorry :/
Laugh it off, or Cry it out. ~ Valerie Renee Campos
-l D i a r i a l-
Community Member
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 @ 01:02am
Not mine, but very good..
You're never alone, I'm always near, When your troubled, down or blue. All you have to do is call me, I'm always here for you.
It doesn't matter where I'm at, It doesn't matter when. When you need someone to talk to, I'm here to be your friend.
If you need someone to hold your hand, or a hug to say I care. If you need a shoulder to cry on, for you I will be there.
So never think you are a burden, when the weight gets to be to much. You might find if look hard enough, a good friend could be the right touch.
You're never alone, I'm always here, through the good times and the bad. I'm always here to be your friend, I don't like to see you sad
-l D i a r i a l-
Community Member