my last stupid input was months ago i almost 4got this freakin thing existed well since i started the damn thing i might as well continue, michael jackson is dead which kinda sux, the poor guy that disease hit 'im pretty hard i think its no wonder the poor guy had his skin bleached he didnt wanna b persecuted i feel bad 4 his family all this publicity must b more of a reminder than they want rii now. im in this stupid sj-r program for a section called the voice, I HATE IT!!! all these stinkin perky ppl make me gag they arent bad ppl theyre just not my type of ppl, i hang out with the weirdos, the loud skater the annoying punk whos way too 2 skinny who rebels against religion and government, the tough gurl who will punch u out if u throw an insult her way and the freaky goth chick who looks voodooish, the rest of em, and me the short, slightly funny girl whos bad at math reads too much has an A in english and hates it when guys ask her out in public, the girl who screws up everything and cant seem to ever satisfy her mother and will probably never make any difference in the world because shes not good enough, thats me....... man i suck u wanna comment? fine whatever throw whatever you got at me i can take it ive had it all done and said, i dont care, i stopped careing a LONG time ago. u get hurt less that way.