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Random Crap
I get bored sometimes and so, might as well right some random crap in here
Kiba Shigara
Kiba Shigara

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6' tall.. and also has a 8' black wolf tail



1/2 Lychan
1/2 unkown


Power over Shadows, Fire, and some power over Ice. He also has the ability to turn into a very large black wolf

Pure black wakizashi called the Black Lotus

Calm, Mellow, except when he does gets mad then he gets really mad. People sometimes call him sweet though he tends to believe he isn’t

Kiba Shigara was once the best bounty hunter out there. He always got his mark, and never lost once. He always looked after his little sister, Kisia Hakaku. Never liked listening to rules and for that he left Bounty Hunting and actually had a mark placed on his head for it. He was born this way, though like werewolves, he has the power to turn people. When he was very young, about 2 years old, he was put into a coma for 2 years. No one really knows why. His parents died when he was about 5 or 6 and ever since he looked after Kisia to the best of his abilities, teaching her everthing he could. He tries not to show it, but Kisia is the most important person in his life, and he would go insane if anything happened to her.

Kiba Shigara
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Kiba Shigara
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