Being crazy doesn't mean you belong in an insane asylum.
Hell being crazy can simply mean you think differently.
Crazy is not merely a state of mind, it's a state of being. Madness is the divinest sense.
Seriously, look at the world around you, it's in chaos over that which is 'sane'. Last I checked 'sane' was supposed to be peaceful.
Those who are 'crazy' accept each other as fellow 'crazies' no matter what division they are in. All is peaceful.
So if 'sanity' is chaos and 'crazy' is peace.... isn't this contradiction?
Well is it?
The world is in recession, it seems the whole world is at war, and everyone's all paranoid that the guy with big guns is gonna try to come out and kill them all.
When truth is, we all have declining amounts of money, funding our troops who are serving with less and less enthusiasm against each other every day. And people in almost every nation saying that this all needs to end already.
(And I'm sorry for those who are racist, ethnocentric, prejudist, or anything else, cause you guys are amongst the 5% in the younger generations that hardly exist.)
Explain to me why it hasn't... it's because all our money is being used to get our fix on oil. Think about it, we've heard enough about hybrids, and green technology to fill books. Ever since 2003 we've been catching wind of greener technologies. So why is it that we've still got cars and trucks that have 30mpg at best? Or gas stations still lining every street?
It isn't all the government, it's partly ours as citizens of the world. We don't focus on green tech we use the technology we have. We don't become independent we just remain dependent.
Why do we have illnesses now that were so rare in the 1600's and 1700's?
You can blame it on factors like cultures mixing and time and that kind of thing but I also got another question.
What's in the air compared to that time?
Cigarettes didn't exist, neither did cars, and both emit gasses that can kill us in large quantities. And with each intake of breath we have a small quantity.
It is quite possible, that we've so filled up the world, and so long used chemicals that have been dirty, that the world is building up a larger quantity of the gasses that kill us normally.
Resulting in multiple factors, asthma, heart problems, liver and lung problems, blood pressure issues... the list goes on.
I'm not going to blame it all on cars, or cigarettes, because there are other factors, I'm just saying maybe we're using these as the biggest factor. And maybe, just maybe, that's the bigger reason behind all of our illness and weakness.
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Perfect Insanity
The world is constantly in flux, perfection shall never be attained. In this world of change, true beauty lies there untamed. So why is it you ask things to be tame, when the truth is you aren't so tame yourself?
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Lycan Skold
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