okay first lets start with PARIS HILTON! we all no (or 4 those of u that dont) she is talking her european tour and wsith her BF (boyfriend) she went to a fancy dinner and saw belly dancers so she went up on stage and started to shake it herself lol she must repeat MUST! be drunk haha anyways next we have JAMIE LYNN SPEARS! there is not to much abo;ut but we all have heard of her and want to know about her pregnancy so now we can finally see the baby bump! wooooooot
next up we have ANJELINA JOLIE! she got BUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!
brad noe inpregnanted (IDK if that makes sense but u no what i mean!) her with TWINS! eek surprised and now she is whining and wants abortion but we all no thats not gonna happen so angelina want some cheese_whine with that whine? haha she is facing major dieses so lyk yea VERY COMPLICATED!
next come the JOONAS BROTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all i can say is 04-06-08!
watch it on disneychannel (if u have time warner cable it is cannel 42) a sneak peak of their movie camp rock is previewing and a 2 part of wizards of waverly place and dont 4get that they performed on dancing with the stars on tuesday! ppl say that they will be billionares when Nick Jonas turns 18 so yea they are really popular and 4 the five of u in the world that dont no them they have really awsome music and some ppl lyk them 4 their looks but I dont think they have any well, sure they are KINDA! cute but its lyk 1 ina trillion to ever go out with them! so yea i suggest u stop falling all over them haha no offense to the ppl who do but back to the juice!
and the last but not least MILEY CYRUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she is now is Nashville shooting her new movie hannah montana
but sont worry u nickalodean luvers! she will be back by the time the kids choice awards start!
and thats it (srry if it was to long but i had to get this all down the news will probably be this long from now on though srry about the ppl who read my journal)
luv ya!...maybe