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I haven't posted a journal entry in a year!
Wow! That's pretty amazing!

Thought maybe I should update on my life, but there's so much (yet so very, very little) that I don't think it's worth the time. Right now I'm just screwing around on my three-hour-long break (another hour-and-a-half to go!) I really aught to work on the good copy to my essay that's due at that time, but nah. Later. Always later.

I'm in a huge slump right now, it's not fair, especially since everything is due. I'm really scared I'm going to fail, but then again I'm paranoid about everything. I think I may have an anxiety problem/overactive imagination/maybe I'm just retarded. But I'm bored of typing and so I think I'll go browse the PP or something.

PS: I still don't have a job, and still haven't told my boss why I quit. Hooray for me!

Oh yeah, I guess I should mention...
I quit my job a couple days ago, but my boss still hasn't phoned me about it... I mean, I never asked him to, but you'd think he would... I also have a theory that my coworkers took the note down out of spite, because they're douchy like that. Oh well, whenever I get around to going in and getting my pay, I'll tell him why I quit: Because everyone he has hired to work at Memorial are bitchy, elitist douchebags. I couldn't handle it anymore. ...But I'll have to pay for my uniform, since I quit before my three-month "training" period was done, which I think is bullshit, but whatever.

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So I got my corset supplies Friday... The parcel was fairly damp... But everything was intact and counted for. Which reminds me, I still need to email the people who sent it to tell them it arrived at the post office in a plastic bag with a sorry, we will give better service in the future note on it... ANYWAYS!!! My corsets supplies are here!! WHOOPPIIEEE!!!!!

I got impatient and have already sewn the lining, even though I haven't got the outer fabric yet. I'm changing the design of the skirt to save money, though... It'll have to wait till after christmas to complete, unless I find really nice, cheap fabric tomorrow at fabricland... 5 1/2 metres of it anyways. Gah.

I was so impatient to start sewing, I taught myself how to use my moms ancient sewing machine, and sewed on the floor. Uncomfortable, yes, but it went by fast. I have WAY more lining fabric than I need, because it was on sale for "buy 2 meters, get 1 free" or something. I only need 1! So, since the pattern doesn't allow your waist to be taken in too much (it's simply to make the Victorian sillhouette for wimpy reenactors. Pfft.) I think I may, at a later date, experiment with pattern variations, but for now I'll stick with the pattern to avoid difficulties, since this is my first corset. It'll look fine to wear to grad, anyways.


WHY IS GAIA FISHING SO ADDICTING?!?! I've spent so much money on it and I haven't cought anything good... It's so frustrating... But SO addicting! I need to work on my World Issues essay too, but... FISHING! GAH!

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Tamagotchis rock. Oh yeah, and I moved.
Yes, I finally bought a Tamagotchi. They have them at Wal-Mart for $13! I wish one of my friends bought a Tamagotchi so that our Tamagotchi's can "connect". Then maybe make babies. Right now mine is just a big blob, bouncing bouncing. His name is DORKO. ...It was the first word that came to mind. I hope he becomes a robot, or a ninja. I'll be happy with that retarded duck-thing though.

As for moving, I no longer live on Academy, but Prescott. It has 3 floors, AND I don't constantly feel squished! Amazing! ...But the school doesn't know that I've moved, which means that the bus doesn't know either, so I have no idea how I'm getting to school tomorrow. That's alright. I have a Tamagotchi. And internet! Oh what a fiasco that was. But it's hooked up now so that's excellent.

I'm going to get dressed now and help mom clean out the appartment. Ta ta!

Well, the good news is, I'm done my homework AND I don't get to go to school this morning. The bad news: EVERYTHING WAS DUE TODAY WITH NO EXCEPTIONS and I have a geinocologist (spl?) appointment at 10:30. I'm SOOO looking forward to that pap test...

I might to go school right after my appointment, and hopefully my teachers will understand. I'll get the doctor to write me a note or something. And I didn't even get to sleep in! Bah.

I've been having this song stuck in my head for like 3 days off and on: O-Zone - Dragostea Din Tei (*sings* Ma-ia-hiiii, ma-ia-huuuu, ma-ia-haaaa, ma-ia-haha!). That, and Buddy Holly - Everyday. I don't know why... But they are starting to get on my nerves, even though I love the songs. Oh well. I'm gunna go eat or something.

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So we got the townhouse in County Park. We're moving in November 15th.



It has a basement and three bedrooms, plus a front yard and a back patio. I can't wait to get out of this dump! 3 years is just too much geared-to-income housing for me.

I'll finally be able to have friends over without being completely embarrassed! Social life Here I COME!

On a sadder note, when I click on the robot outfit in Barton store, it doesn't do anything... That makes me sad because I love robots. Other than that, and the fact that I have to work (argh), today is going pretty well!

PS: See last entry edit and give oppinion.

I am having a sewing-withdrawl (edited oct. 28)
I have come to the conclusion that I would like to make my own corset. Why? It's cheaper, and I can make it however I want. I'm going to use this pattern, and a circle skirt to match, both in this material. Unfortunately it will all come to approx. $180-200 CAD not including shipping.

I think, if I make this outfit, that I'm going to suggest that Grad be retro-themed so I don't look like a goon, all 50s-esque and whatnot. I also have a pair of shoes in mind to match, but they'll have to wait until the rest of the outfit is paid for.

I have enough for 2 yards of fabric, but whats the point in getting the fabric without anything else? Also, I need 7 yards of fabric... The skirt needs 5 and the corset needs 1-1/3, but you can only get whole yards, which is ok since I plan on making gloves to match.

I'm so excited! Now I just need money. My birthday is on Tuesday and I get paid Friday... Hopefully I have enough for everything. I'm really excited.

EDIT: I'm going to trim the top of the corset and the bottom of the skirt with this.

EDIT (oct. 28th): I found a WAY cheaper fabric site, but the fabric is pink and white rather than pink and black polkadots... I think I'm going to take a look around town before I commit to anything though. Also, I've found a few fabrics that aren't polkadot that are still pretty 50s, but I like the whole polkadot thing. This one for example is nice.

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#@$*& wink ^$*%#@%#@&$#*^%$*$)$^%#^$#!@^$#@!^% [******** OFF AND DIE, YOU STUPID BITCHES!!!!!!!!!

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