~Thanks for reading my journal..
~Today .. I just bought Vampire's Bat Swarm for 27k .. Kinda ex .. But nevermind .. I want it though ..
~I just played Zomg! for the rest of this day! ..
~I leveled up my Gun,Gun,Gun Ring for 9.0 C.L .. Awesome ! And the others also .. =]
~Now my Gaia level is 7.1 .. I'm gonna make it 10.0 !
~Hmm .. current golds today are 50k .. I want to make it for 300k .. How?
~I hope I'll find a good friend to donate me .. =]
~That's all for today! Bye .. heart
[img:c45b13a7a5]http://i56.tinypic.com/35k7oqv.jpg[/img:c45b13a7a5] [b:c45b13a7a5]Art by, Color Pallet[/b:c45b13a7a5], [b:c45b13a7a5]click me[/b:c45b13a7a5]!