Okay, so technically I am at a party, although it's wound down into everybody pretty muchdoing their own thing. I'm not sure where Daniella is, Tony and Shannon areoutside on a blanket together, Devon is surfing the 'net, and Lane is playing Super Nintendo surprised But it was fun earlier. We toasted marshmallows! Matt still hasn't shown up, so he probably isn't going to ... Oh well. Too bad for him XD
I have lost my good internet connection sad I am now down to dialup internet, which totally sucks. I can't play World of Warcraft (WOW) anymore sad This is truly sad news. Tony and I are looking into getting an apartment when we have enough money, though -- meaning when he gets a job or when we find somebody who wants to go into a place with us. Perhaps even both. Then,w e would be closer to the city -- preferably IN the city -- and we could get DSL or just a wireless card. THAT would be nice smile
But, for now, I'm stuck with dialup internet. Which is better than NO internet, and thus I shouldn't complain.
Also, we just got the game Oblivion from a friend -- Devon -- and thus I should be kept occuppied for a while -- as long as it works on my computer surprised Please work!
[img:71e9d5b850]http://fc80.deviantart.com/fs31/i/2008/189/6/a/Wall_E_Signature_by_Yoghurt_Signatures.png[/img:71e9d5b850] [/align:71e9d5b850]
allieycosta · Sun Nov 04, 2007 @ 12:31am · 0 Comments |
Okay, so I haven't really been logging on to Gaia a lot lately. But, I seem to be in a forum mood lately. I so have to go to bed -- just pulled a 7 hour shift, which is a long work day for me. Only worked two days this week, but still smile Just had to play World of Warcraft, though smile Does anybody else around here play that? Maybe i'll haveto ask in the forums. It'd be cool to get togeather with some people from Gaia on there.
But, anyway, I posted another chapter of the Harry Potter fanfiction, along with starting a new thread for an Inuyasha fanfiction that I really would like to continue, but I'm not sure how good it is. Hopefully I'll get some feedback on here about that.
Other than that, not much going on. I've been playing World of Warcraft (WOW) as muchas possible -- wake up, grab food, play. Get home, grab soda, play. Go to bed. Get up and repeat. Sometimes without ever leaving the house. Well, I haven't really had enough time for it to get to that, but that's the general idea smile
And to think, I'm paying for this all on my lonesome. Bought the game, and when my debit card comes in a week or two,, I'll be paying the monthly subscription fee then, too. Right now I"m borrowing Shannon's debit card, but I have a month free, so she isn't being billed or anything like that. So, hapiness on that account. They just needed a debit card for security purposes, I guess.
But yes, I set up a bank account, and currently have $50 USD in there. Not a lot to most people, but it's a shitload to me. And i really need to stop using language like that.
Actually, somebody at work today said s**t, and I almost said something to her. I mean, we're working in a grocery store -- how was she to know that some little kid wasn't nearby, and heard her say that? Watch your language at work -- it's just a basic law that I thought most people followed. I mean, being happy and chripy and hyper is one thing, and so is talkin about tv and movies and such with your coworkers. So is drinking a soda while on duty. But swearing like that? It shouldn't be allowed.
I don't work at all next week, which is kind of worriesome. I think that I might go in and ask if I've done something wrong. I mean, I just started, and I'd hate to think that I've done something wrong already. It's only my ... what? 3rd week? 4th or 5th day on the job? Yes, I don't get a lot of days. I got paid 220$ USD for my last check, though smile And that's a lot to me.
Gah. This post turned out to be way longer that I expected. Guess I really felt like talking -- and now that I have a job, I have a lot more to write about, I guess.
Toodles smile
allieycosta · Sat Aug 20, 2005 @ 07:53am · 0 Comments |
Okay, so I was gone for a while again. What is it with me and haitus? Anyway, I'm finding myself in a blogging mood quite a bit more these days. Perhaps I should make an actual blog? I do have a Livejournal Account, but i haven't used it since some time in December. sweatdrop
Meh. I'm at the public library right now, just kind of bumming around until 4:00 PM gets here. Currently it's 12:15 in the afternoon. Why all the waiting? Well, at 4:30 I have an interview with Subway here in town. Yayness on that account. I really, really need a job. I mean, the whole volunteering at the nursing home is all well and dandy, but I don't get paid for it, and it's not very steady. It's pretty much whenever they need me, and I don't get in trouble if I just decide not to show up.
Dad didn't think I should go for the job, because my mother is comming down from Maine and I'm going to want to spend some time with her. But, hey, I can work and spend time with her as well, can't I? I mean, i'm not deficient in some way, and am capable of doing two things with my time. I am perfectly capable of having this job!
If I get the job, that is. I certaintly hope that I do. It's a small town, so I'm hoping beyond hope that not too many other people have applied for the job. I got dressed up (kind of) and did my make up and everything, so I hope that I'll give off a good first impression.
Hope is the operative word here. Heh. Guess I'll sign off now. Maybe i'll re-activate that livejournal account of mine -- it does look quite nice, and I did use it quite a bit before.
allieycosta · Thu Mar 10, 2005 @ 05:18pm · 0 Comments |
well, i'm finially back on gaia. been gone for a while, mostly because the fishing game wasn't working. i decided to put that fanfiction up on fanfiction.net -- you can check out my fanfiction.net userpage to see how much has been added. here's the link : http://www.fanfiction.net/~chicadoodle. so, yay for that. i keep on moving around from one story to the next -- like now, i've started another vamp!harry story, even though i've already got one going. the other one is kind of involved, though, and has time travel and an insane snape and draco in it, though. eh. anyway. my computer broke. and then my brother's computer caught on fire. so now we only have my other brother's computer, wich is pretty old and crappy. but, it gets internet, and i can play diablo 2 expansion online, so that's always a good thing. no abode photoshop, though, an di can't see myself getting it again very soon, so i'm attempting tom ake due with smaller pain programs downloaded from download.com.
allieycosta · Sun Feb 13, 2005 @ 01:45am · 0 Comments |
more gaia fanfiction ........ and the fishing game |
ooh, i added another chapter! i got a review/comment on my story that i posted, asking for me to continue. guess that means that i did okay on it? heh. guess ome people are interested in a non-harry story, after all. and i revealed who the main character of the fanfiction is in this chapter, too! yay. hope that nobody who reads it is too dissappointed. i mean there are so many ron or ginny stories out there, why not make one or a few of thw twins? although, can't really say twins this time, since george is dead, and fred isn't.
gee, i wonder if i'll get flamed for killing off so many popular characters? i mean, nearl y the tnire weasley family (clan?) is dead, especially the most popular ones.
heh. wanted to do something original yet harry potter-y ........ guess i'm succeeding. haven't seen any stories similar to this, myself biggrin
ooh! and i tried out the fishing games that they put up recently. fun, time consuming. good when i don't have anything else to do. and i do get to sell whatever i catch. on ly ising the cheap fishing rod and bait right now ........ don't really feel like spending all o fmy money on bait, you know? rather buld up my money so can go out ad buy stuff biggrin
i saw a hristyle i want to change to, but it's kind of expensive. like, over 500 gold. maybe onc ei start getting more gold i'll get more into that, but i'm not sure how long that will be, how far into the future.
i wonder if i get hold for posting in my journal? heh. anyways, later!
allieycosta · Sat Nov 27, 2004 @ 08:37pm · 0 Comments |
hehe. i wasn't even aware of this before, but gaiaonline ha a section for fanfiction! wow ....... i added in my weasley massacre, which i've decided to call "massacre at the burrow" for now. not sure how good that is, but, eh. oh well.
nobody has commented on it yet, but hopefully somebody will at some point. later!
allieycosta · Sat Nov 27, 2004 @ 01:58am · 0 Comments |
ack. i haven't logged in here in, like, forever. my brother mentioned he'd been on alot, though, and complained that nobody was ever on at the same time as him, so it hought that i'd better start getting on more often.
i started another harry potter fanfiction. this one is just on my website for now, because fanfiction.net is fixing a bunch of bugs on their system, and they won't allow me to login and add a new story, or even update an old one. this one is of one of the weasley childeren, not gonna give away which one just yet. the entire weasley family was massacred, and there are only three survivors. bill, charlie, and one other person. obviously, it's the other one that i'm basing the story around.
if any of y'all wanna read it, you can find it here : http://visual-sentiments.net/fanfiction/weasleysdead.html . if anybody can help me out with a decent title, i'd absolutely love y'all for it! i can't think of a good one right now, and have it titled as "untitled" . ack. definately not a good title, but oh wells.
i haven't really been touching my fanfiction ideas little notebook. i've got this yellow small journal type book that i've turned into a kind of fanfiction ideas notebook. i've got just random thoughts in there, too, but mostly it's for story ideas. i really need to get into it, see if i can get some inspiration, either for a new story, or for one of the ones that i have going right now.
i wonder if anybody else ever really reads these things? hmm ....... oh wells. probably not, but you never know.
until later, luv, alyson http://visual-sentiments.net allieycosta@gmail.com
allieycosta · Sat Nov 27, 2004 @ 12:11am · 0 Comments |
okay, another thought about harry potter. what kind of music does he listen to? i mean, would he know what south park was? true, it's an american thing, along with dennis leary, but still ......... he could always know about the, right? {sigh} whatever. just a random thought that popped into my head.
allieycosta · Mon Oct 25, 2004 @ 02:18am · 0 Comments |
whee! okay, just filling up space right now. aargh. i can't seem to get this idea out of my head. okay, here goes ........ maybe if i write it here it'll leave me alone biggrin
harry potter is bitten by a werewolf. not remus, but some nameless, unknown werewolf in the middle of the night, durring the summer after his fifth year.
i read a fanfiction that had this in it recently, but of course certain things would different about it. first of all, no tonks. there are just way too many fanfictions having harry/tonks in it. well, maybe i'd have her in it, but she'd be going after or be with, remus. that just makes way more sense. and harry wouldn't be so open about his new bad habits, like smoking and drinking. he'd be more withdrawn, close din on himself after the death of sirius.i just cna't see him being so open after something like that happeneing. i mean, sirius is the closest thing he's ever had to a father-figure, and was the first one to mention harry going to live with them -- maybe the weasley's thought about it, but they never eally mentioned anything like that. sirius was family to harry.
okay, well, there's that story idea. maybe i'll add another one in a little bit later biggrin
allieycosta · Mon Oct 25, 2004 @ 02:06am · 0 Comments |