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Hello there, I am yum_tea

click art for my avi arts..
I am a bit old, mid 20's.
I live somewhere in Asia.
I am a follower of Theravada Buddhism.
Not fluent in English.
I am working as a college instructor.
Being passive sucks.
I have braces, which sucks too. XxX--
My favorite occasion is Halloween, I feel at peace * and it is more fun.
I have a fascination on ladybugs.
I love reading mangas.
Fave movies are District 9, Alien Vs. Predator, Jurassic Park, Chicken Run, Wall-E, The 3 Idiots, One(e)chanbara and Kung Fu Hustle.
Fave PC games of all time are Starcraft, Red Alert and Diablo.
My favorite painter/artist is Louis Wain, he draw/paints cats.
I love listening to classical music, my fave musicians are Scott Joplin, Vivaldi, Bach and Tchaikovsky, different genres I guess.
I like Blur and Radiohead too.
I am addicted to orange shakes and egg pies.
I love photography, check my tumblr or flickr, the links are somewhere in this page.

It is either I am on ZOMG or fishing.
Both are sources of my funds.
Sometimes I am on ED, CB, GE or GI.
My worst bucket so far, I thought I was using F bait.

Fishing Trophies:
3/2012 Bronze Bassken
4/2012 Bronze Bassken
4/2012 Bronze Junk
5/2012 Gold Gambino
6/2012 Bronze Durem
* + an angelic rod too.. whee
You can notice that I like cats, I don't own one, so...
I call my neighbors' cats and let them get inside the house.
I feed them, I hug them and pet them... So fun! =>_<=


I like Ian ♣

I love Kakashi emotion_kirakira

See my ♣Journal♣ for the list of arts, random pics and donators ♥.
Me, taking pics of random things ♥ Vacation last 03-12-2012
click it

We took the fairy costumes without permission from the owner.. emotion_dealwithit

Sometimes I make signs..

Yummy yum_puddi


These are my cacti collection..

Oh yeah, I look very young.