V I E N N A ♥ M A R Q U E E ♥ D E M O N I A  [ n i c k n a m e s ] Vi, Marquee, Dragon Tamer[ p e t n a m e s ] Vicki (Cravien’s favorite), Angi (a tease foe his ears), Rapunzel[ a g e ] twenty-one in appearance, otherwise unknown[ h e i g h t ] five foot, nine inches[ w e i g h t ] one hundred, twenty pounds[ b o d y ] lean with strong legs, very pale and soft[ g e n d e r ] male[ s e x u a l i t y ] quiet homosexual[ b i r t h d a t e ] unknown[ l i k e s ] + heights + dragons + stuffed animals, pillows and comforters + being warm + the naked body + bathing alone and in the forests + warm milk + fish + sewing + kissing + the smell of honey dew[ d i s l i k e s ] - the taste of honey dew - being made fun of - birthday celebrations - cake - confining spaces - children’s toys - snakes and crickets - sweet teas - t-shirts - the thought of being alone for his whole life… - snow[ p r o b l e m s ] = because he is the child with the strangest past, Vienna feels like he doesn’t fit in most of the time. = takes offence easily, since he’s been teased so heavily his entire life. = many people are actually scared of him when they meet him out in ‘public’ because of the time he spends with the dragons and the bonds he’s build with the scaly beasts.
[ b i o g r a p h y ]
It shouldn’t have happened the way it did. It simply shouldn’t. Of coarse, it was Satan, and he could get away with anything and everything he damn-well pleased, but the ruler had never expected for a son to be born from the angel he’d happened upon. Hell, he hadn’t known it was an angel until he woke in a pile of feathers. Heavenly creatures were a forbidden fruit, after all, and taboo.
So, when a dragon delivered a silvery bundle to his court, bearing a child like no other and a note explaining that he was the father. And, since the women who carried hells prince’s died in the process, he was therefore in charge. The king took the child in without qualm, surprising most. The boy demonic and most every way, save for the lovely white wings that replaced his ears. Perhaps, if they had been black, I wouldn’t have been such a massive issue or something quite as blatant to pick on him about, but they were the purest of whites. Dye wouldn’t even take to the damn things!
The child grew up under Cravien’s care, his older brother trying hard to protect him from the wrath and mean words of the other’s in hell, but he couldn’t always be around. Vienna spent most of his time in the Dragon’s cove, deep in the forest behind the main castle they all lived in. The dragons, like most enchanted creatures, were drawn to him and accepted him. Most referred to the misfit prince as the Dragon Tamer, and he often welcomed his younger brother to come and play with the beasts when they were feeling welcoming; something to do with his obsession and love for fire.
[ p e r s o n a l i t y ]
Vienna may be quiet among strangers and in his fathers presence, as well as when he’d being picked on or teased, but the child is actually quite talkative. Even for a demon, he has a relatively cold heart, but he tends to grow attached to things easily and, once warmed up to someone, can be very caring and sweet. He has a bit of a romanticist buried in his heart, but that’s a secret.
He keeps to himself unless with his brothers, and he isn’t nearly as frail as he comes off. He wrestled with the other two often enough, and had been toughed up a bit, but he isn’t nearly as headstrong and confident as his older, or younger brothers.
[ o t h e r ]
Vienna’s wings are usually the same size as regular ears, and they function the same way. However, when angered, upset, embarrassed, endangered or he just needs an escape, they grow out into a full set of majestic wings.
Vienna likes to appear tough and cold; strong, like Cravien and Obi, but he’s actually fairly submissive and extremely playful.
Vienna loves kissing, more then anything, and, while he is perfectly fine and dandy with making out with anyone handsome or cute, he is unembarrassed or ashamed with his tendencies to kiss his brothers (brotherly, of coarse) and complete and total strangers.
Karazy-Fox · Tue Nov 25, 2008 @ 02:15am · 0 Comments |
H U N T E R  [ n i c k n a m e s ] Hunter[ p e t n a m e s ] … The Hunter[ a g e ] twenty-nine[ h e i g h t ] six foot[ w e i g h t ] two hundred, thirty pounds[ b o d y ] built, from hiking, hunting and waving his guns and knives around[ g e n d e r ] male[ s e x u a l i t y ] doesn’t need sex. E V E R .[ b i r t h d a t e ] who cares?[ l i k e s ] + hunting + killing + making children cry + stealing candy from infants + showing of his stuffed head collections + coffee[ d i s l i k e s ] - sleeping - love - kissing - bugs - the smell of gun powder - the color blue[ p r o b l e m s ] = his compulsive need to shoot and kill things runs his entire life. = he hates when people spread rumors about him having a hidden fetish involving bestiality = he’s quiet and suave, but always manages to say the STUPIDEST things.
[ b i o g r a p h y ]
No one known anything about Hunter’s whereabouts, or even if that’s his real name. People speak of him like a majestic creature, similar to unicorns and jackelopes, searching to find him or happen upon him in jungles and forests all around the continent. He just likes to kill things, and doesn’t eat in diners often.
[ p e r s o n a l i t y ]
Cold, angry all of the time, trigger happy, tends to touch and pet pretty things, even though it’s weird. He isn’t a very happy person, and tends to do what it takes to get what he wants; killing trespassers and selling family members to buyers on the black-market.
[ o t h e r ]
He really doesn’t like to sleep.
Karazy-Fox · Mon Nov 24, 2008 @ 09:43pm · 0 Comments |
C R A V I E N ◊ M A R C O ◊ D E M O N I A  [ n i c k n a m e s ] Raven,Marco, Avi[ p e t n a m e s ] Old Man[ a g e ] twenty-five visually, biologically Unknown[ h e i g h t ] six feet, three inches tall[ w e i g h t ] two hundred, fifteen pounds, all muscle[ b o d y ] very fit and chiseled, skin is tanned. Has some hair on his chest, a goatee, and a sexy ‘happy trail’ for his stomach; has a scruffy, yet sexy air about him.[ g e n d e r ] male[ s e x u a l i t y ] if it catches his fancy, he doesn’t care who it is[ b i r t h d a t e ] june sixth[ l i k e s ] + beautiful appearances + feisty attitudes + breakfast for dinner + picking on his siblings + running the underworld + power + virginity + the seventh level of hell (hangs out there often) + dressing people up/giving fashion tips + heavy metal + smoking[ d i s l i k e s ] - serious rejection - heaven - mortals - gore - other people picking on his siblings - playing the piano (he’s very good at it, though!) - video games (no hand-eye coordination when sex isn’t involved) - paying for things - not getting what he wants - cats
[ p r o b l e m s ] = because he was forced to learn piano as a child, Cravien hates the instrument, though he is a truly gifted player = tends to beat people to a pulp if they get caught picking on his brothers in any way = has an irrational fear of cats, most blame it on their father, Satan, for fable’s sake. = completely unashamed of his body and is often seen walking around the house nude or in boxers (rarely)
[ b i o g r a p h y ]
”It’s a boy!”
No one had ever seen the ruler of hell so excited in all the hundreds of years he had reigned. No matter that the carrier of his first-born no longer existed, even her soul disintegrated into nothingness after having a child as damned as this one. Her sinful-life had been damned to this future since the day she was born. The king held the bundle up in the air, a grin plastered across his face as he gazed at the child that did no cry, didn’t scream. No, this demon blinked, dusty brown eyes staring right back into the black eyes of the man he would grow to know as father. It was a successor, finally! He would have settled for a daughter at this point in his life, but he was actually given the son he needed to take his throne. Such a devious little heir, this one would be.
Cravien was raised under strict rule, not by his father, but by the male caretaker who doubled as the devils personal pet and lover. He was more of a mother, with girly habits, and tried to raise the child to be less murderous and destructive as the ruler he served was; forcing him to learn piano and to cook. Fortunately for the child, he had his father’s will and a good, strong head on his shoulders. He was a wild youth, escaping the confines of the house in favor of running and sneaking around, in order to learn the demonic ways of his father, unbeknownst to him. After all, he would one day be king of the underworld.
Once he had a little brother, however, Cravien stepped up to be a more manly influence in the life of the new born; always picking on him and roughhousing. Yet, while being the influence, he was also an amazing protector, always there to defend and beat the s**t out of anyone who bother either of the boys born after him. He cares deeply for his siblings, even over his relatively large and undeniable ego; how could a man be kind of hell if he wasn’t egotistic?
Once he came of age, the youth discovered the seventh level of hell, which his father granted him claim over. Of all children, even with a future as bold and destructive as his would be, Cravien was the one who got away with the most. He wanted to make all the mistakes he could while he could, and at the same time show his brother’s wrong from right by being a direct example. Twisted? Yes, but he worked.
[ p e r s o n a l i t y ]
Egotistical: Cravien knows he’s good at sex, destruction, teasing, and winning, and shows no shame in expressing and acknowledging these facts.
Open-minded: He doesn’t care if you’re a man, woman, mortal, or demon. If your attractive, he’ll want into your pants. He definitely doesn’t care.
Level-headed: Even though he is free-spirited, Cravien knows his place and his purpose in life. He handles his future with the utmost care and profession.
Sexual: It doesn’t leave his mind. Ever.
Brotherly: Always open to a wrestling match or simply to tease and upset his sibling, Cravien is always there for his brothers. Whether it’s to smack them upside the head, or give them a shoulder to lean on.
Fashionable: Even though he looks like a ruffian, he knows his way around fashion and accessorizing. He’s always willing to help.
[ o t h e r ]
Cravien is terrified of cats. No matter the size, the color, or the personality, he hates them and they hat him. They scare him senseless, yet no one knows why. He doesn’t even disclose that information to anyone.
Has a tattoo on his left shoulder; a simple design he was actually born with. It is the mark of the heir.
Karazy-Fox · Mon Nov 24, 2008 @ 07:01pm · 0 Comments |