Gah! I've been waiting like 2 weeks for my laptop I'm getting (At least temporarily) from my dad. I should've gotten it two weeks ago but my dad naver really worked on it because he was busy doing somthing else but he could've messed with it before he started the other thing &&. Anyway, he only had a couple minutes too try to remember the password, which of course he couldn't rememember &&, then he had to go then left for two weeks &&. So he came back yesterday and started working on it today, couldn't remember the password put in what was kinda a hacking CD (Yes my dad has one XD) and it said he changed the password but I guess it didn't.. and now he has to reinstall XP or somthing but can't find the disk (I can't either) && so umm ya... gah, I give up on finding that CD atleast for now ><
Mintoperson23 Community Member |
Community Member
I'm sorry. My dad said I could have his old laptop because he got a new one but never gave it to me. he thought he could se it...I never see him use that laptop..I waaaant it. T.T