I'm typing this up because everyone needs to vent over things sometimes. Some of the things I vent about are stupid, some are.... really important and serious to me. While others just kinda fall in there. So you can read and enjoy, but don't give me any opinions. I don't care, okay?
Let me take care of something that's bothered me the most for as long as I've been a Dir en grey fan.
I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that I get pissed when people don't like Dir en grey. I guess I get upset because the people who don't like them tend to insult them. Okay, come on people. WHERE ARE YOUR BRAINS? Seriously. If you're going to insult someones FAVORITE band TO THEIR FACE, don't you think it's natural to retaliate? You insult my favorite band and I'll insult your entire exsistance. It's as simple as that. Music is very very very important to me. But Dir en grey is even more important. I can't explain it. They just are.
Another thing, I like a lot of the jokes and stuff us fans share just for shits and giggles, and most of the time they're hilarious, but every now and then I personally find some of them offensive. It's just me though. I still laugh at the jokes despite everything. But that's only because I'm nice enough to at least pretend that I have a sense of humor. Honestly, the jokes are funny guys but some of them do tend to go a little too far after awhile.
When I was at the concert in Feb. these people behind me kept joking and rambling on about jokes, mostly pertaining to Kyo. Some of them were okay, but most of them made me want to turn around and smack the living s**t out of them and scream "HE'S NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL YOU KNOW NOTHING.". They were really pissing me off with the whole "he's probably" do this's and that's. Ugh.
Now while I'm on the subject of fans, let me go through that ordeal. HAVE SOME ******** RESPECT FOR YOUR FANDOM. Oh my ******** god. Don't b***h and moan just because their cd's pop up in Hot Topic. I happen to like that store because it's really cool. Give it a goddamned chance already. My mom and I went to Circut City the other day and the The Marrow Of A Bone cd was there under the "Hot Picks" list. I almost squealed. I snatched up the little card that was talking about them. It was so wonderful. I'm so proud for them. If you're anything of a fan you should be too. It's a good thing that they're doing well over here already, so stop bitching about how their merch is in a "poser" store. Hot Topic is a store just like Sears or JC Penny. Stop bitching. Be proud for them for christs sake. You bunch of ungrateful whiners.
I am absolutely bursting with happiness that they're playing concerts over here. However, it breaks my heart because they don't come close enough for me to be able to go often. The Orlando show was the only one I've ever been too. Money is a huge issue with my family. So stop rubbing it in everyone's face if you get to go to multiple Diru shows. Okay? A lot of us "poor" people don't ******** like it.
Now, onto fast food. I know this is a random topic but please hear me out on it.
How can you people eat that crap? Honestly. It's processed and....not even food. I know because I've worked at a fast food place. It's nasty. Holy s**t. It's easy to keep the dining area clean, but hard as ******** to keep the kitchen clean, trust me.
And here's a heads up for all you Arby's lovers. I worked at Arby's. The cheese, isn't cheese. It's cheese flavoured SAUCE. EVERYTHING is prefrozen. The only thing good about Arby's is that the sandwhich makers do wear gloves and the drive through ice thingy is an ice chest with a scooper. That's all.
Seriously people. The sandwhich buns sit in the back room, in a big plastic bag stacked ontop of each other. FOR MONTHS. Disgusting.
Here's something I'm just curious about, it's not part of the rant though...
How come like... nearly 99.9% of JRock fans are either bisexual or gay? xDDDD
I guess I'm done now... I just needed to get some random crap off of my chest. ^__^
M a y a a t a n · Sat May 05, 2007 @ 10:50pm · 0 Comments |