
Dream Avi's I might choose on completing:

They'll be more on the way! =D
This one might be my dream avi:

Item List:
Angelic Headband
Gold Promise Ring
Golden Laurels
In Da Hood Black Sweatpants
Lunar Cowl
Lunar Cowl
Lunar Scythe
Romani Glasses
SLIK shoes
Solar Headdress
That 70s White Shirt
Those Black 90s Gloves
Winged Anklets
Estimated Total: 4,511,324 Gold

Item List:
Ancient Katana
Doll Ears
Fox Ears
Fox Tail
Holly Jolly Collar
In Da Hood Black Sweatpants
Lunar Scythe
Romani Glasses
SLIK shoes
Solar Headdress
Sword of Aegis
That 70s White Shirt
Those Black 90s Gloves
Winged Anklets
Estimated Total: 579,010 Gold
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