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fuseikoui's Journal
oh my sweet zombie jesus.
stress. a good bit of it. any suggestions on what to draw would be cool, no promises though.

this week: call school, call school again, e-mail school, call school this afternoon (naturally director of financial aid couldnt possibly have more hours when the payment cutoff date is -wendsday-) .. i left -all- the information she could possibly need, my name id number loan type, loan lender info, my id for the lender, my cellphone number, and a reminder that im getting quite nervous. ... she hasnt e-maild me at all, my e-mail address being swapped around more than a 17 year old whore.

so i wont know until monday at earliest if i need to move to another town in 3 weeks. thankfully i can be back down here in august, although thats an annoying amount of moving. i suspect ill need to find a place to stash all my things, not much more than clothes and puter are needed.

its not all bad if i do need to move, ill figure out something, ill get a job and help my family, see my family.. laptop might be brought all over the house and i may get a wireless hub for my troubles so i dont need the cord for net. who knows. i sure as hell dont. im stressed as anything ehe might spawn more art or it may just make me hole up and sleep all weekend.

my sweet zombie jesus; im too ******** old for this crap. domokun stressed

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