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View User's Journal

i love me and rock
Today is too late
How long do we have to wait
Oh no, I think she knows
That's why I can't let go
I feel this burning inside
A feeling that no one should know
This could be so good again
I'd wait here till then
But not with this
So now I'll leave with

No apologies
I never thought you'd be so
Easily deceived
Now I'll just hang my head (I'm falling further out of place)
While I walk with the dead (all the lies I can't erase)
I'll just hang my head

We're mad with regret
Memories that we'll both forget
So far it's been so hard
To cover up these scars
I see this falling apart
It's easy to just let it go
No luck between us both
So I keep waiting
But not with this
So now I'll leave with

No apologies
I never thought you'd be so
Easily deceived
Now I'll just hang my head (I'm falling further out of place)
While I walk with the dead (all the lies I can't erase)
I'll just hang my head

What's left to show
It's so bad but I got to know
What's right don't know
How to find it out on my own

One by one, we both fall down
Who's the first one to hit the ground now
What's worse to kick or fall
Or be suss standing alone
I'll keep your promises if you
Take back every thing I said
I find its got so cold now
What I've lost my heart and soul

No apologies
I never thought you'd be so
Easily deceived
Now I'll just hang my head (I'm falling further out of place)
While I walk with the dead (all the lies I can't erase)
I'll just hang my head

Hang my head.

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