i'm a so lonely i need someone
i lost so many people now. it's hard for me to move on. i feel as if i have hit a wall and can't seem to get over it or though it. many obsticals pass you by throughout life but i just can't take it anymore. id don't dissevered to live not enough. i'm not enough to make my parents happy i'm a horrible person. sometimes i just it was just possible for some people to vanish that way it would seem that i wouldn't been born in the first place. nothing works for i'm so afraid in the real world so afraid that i'm afraid to live, that only shows me that i'm worthless. but there were some people that even beileve in me. i had my brother,my uncle, my friends Draitza,Crystal,zack.and echi.
but now there all gone all of them. thata's y i'm not afriad to die because if i do die i know that evryone up there is waiting for me. i want to spread my arms like if i was about to fly and vanish. i want to die i just can't take it anymore,but do not worry evryone it was neither one of your fault it was mine. mine's truly.
i have done many mistakes in my life people. but to those around me. i don't deserve anything in this world called Earh. why please everyone do not be sad or anger. i have learn something . back in my i was always instinctively always trying to make my parents happy in my shoolwork,grade. but i have learn to people the way they love me. i have so many memories that i just can't forget,but i already have. but it was all so long ago that it's all coming back to me. i don't how i'll kill myself. with this world changing it's hard for me to go through it . i get scared by everything around me i couldn't have admited though. face it i don't feel anything my family left me so did my friends some moved some died but some i don't even now where they are. even now it's seem that reality is just a dream. a dream that would nener happens.
but i ask myself what is there more further than humanity? god or devil are they really out there. well i beileve there is because there's good and bad in life. oppisites. dark and light which do you chose i chose dark. and now i shall vanish from this world.