Once up on a time there was a fairy named Timothy. She was very depressed with her life. She felt that it had no meaning. One day she and her friend Wallas were sitting in a tree.
“Wallas, I’m depressed.” Timothy said.
“What about?” Wallas asked.
“I am depressed with my life. I feel that it has no meaning. I think I should kill myself.”
“Well, let’s go find you some meaning.”
So they went into the Mystical Forest to find Timothy’s meaning in life. When they were about to reach a little village, they ran into two dirty looking men.
“Excuse me sirs, I am Timothy and I am trying to find meaning in my life. What’s your meaning in life?”
“Wha?” One of the men asked, looking confused.
“Don’t mind him,” The other said. “He’s high. Wanna join him?”
“Timothy is a funny name for a lady!” The other giggled.
“Let’s see…I’ve got everything you could want really. I got some angel, mary jane, x, boomer…”
“Wait…are you a lady?”
“Horse, special K, blue belly, kicker…”
“What if you’re a man? Have you checked?”
“Mushies, rope, rock…”
“Okay! Enough!” Timothy shrieked. “I don’t want to get high. I know Timothy is a weird name for a girl, and yes I know I’m a girl! Now neither of you has told me the meaning of life!”
“Oh that’s easy, to get high.”
“Oh that’s easy, to make money.”
Two barely dressed women approached them.
“Hey, are you boys looking for a good time?” They asked.
“Look! Lady folk!” The drug addict giggled once again.
“You girls want to get high? I’ve got angel, mary jane, x, boomer….”
“Excuse me,” Timothy said to the girls. “Do you two know the meaning of life?”
“Of course we do.” One of them answered. “My meaning in life is to get enough money to pay the rent and to get my baby daddy back.” She sighed. “He left because he found another women. The babysitter” She scowled.
“My meaning in life is to become a doctor and make my parents proud.” The other said, with a smile on her face.
They all laughed.
“We should probably move on.” Wallas suggested.
“Goodbye you guys. Thanks.” Timothy said.
So Timothy and Wallas continued on into the village. They went shopping although neither of them really enjoyed it, Wallas being a guy and Timothy being depressed. While they were walking, they came across a man sitting in a cardboard box.
“Got any change?” The man asked.
“Sorry. No we do not. But do you know the meaning of life?” Timothy asked.
“My meaning in life is to get enough change to by an apartment, but for now I travel from town to town saving up.”
“HOBO!” Wallas screamed.
Timothy and the hobo stared at him.
“Sorry. I have some bad memories with hobos.” He said.
“Thank you sir, but I don’t think that meaning will fit into my life.” Timothy said to the hobo.
“You’re welcome. Got any change?” The hobo said to the next person passing by.
So Timothy and Wallas walked on. By now, Timothy was even more depressed than before. She didn’t think that she would even find the meaning of life, and she told Wallas. Wallas said that she would find it eventually, as long as they kept walking on. So they walked.
Timothy and Wallas turned around and saw a fat bald man waving a bottle at them.
“Hey kids, do you have any money. I don’t have enough money. I don’t have money. My wife kicked me out. She said I was a bad influence on the kids. so she kicked me out. Man I loved those kids. I miss them. I don’t have a house my wife kicked me out. Do you have money? I need some beer. I need some beer but I don’t have money because my wife kicked me out and boy do I miss my kids.”
“No sir. We don’t have any money. But do you think you could share with us the meaning in life?”
“I used to have meaning in my life. I had a wife and kids. I had a house. But then I started to drink and now I can’t stop and I need some money. Do you have money?”
“What is your meaning now? What keeps you going?”
“The alcohol. It keeps me going it is my only friend. I got kicked out. My wife, she kicked me out because of the kids, she didn’t want them to know me. I’m a bad influence. Do you have money? I was fired from my job I don’t have any money…”’
“Thank you, sir. Good luck with getting some money.”
Timothy and Wallas gave up, and went back to their fairy home. Timothy didn’t find the meaning in life, but she did find what kept all of those people going. Soon Timothy got into drugs and alcohol and prostitution. Her life was worse than it had ever been. One day her and Wallas were talking. He suggested that she give all of that up. Timothy then had an epiphany.
“You know what, Wallas. I think that my meaning in life is to just live. I need to continue on day by day and play my little part in life.”
“Cool.” Wallas said.
Timothy was finally happy. Unfortunately seconds later she fell out of the tree and died instantly. Wallas did not know what to do so he called up her drug dealer friend. The drug dealer was there very quickly.
“Dude man, dude.” The drug dealer said. “We could totally sell her body to people, man. Dude they would pay good money for her body.”
“Excuse me?” Wallas said, shocked that he would suggest such a thing.
“I mean her organs. The organs we could sell them for money. Lots of money. Because, I mean, who doesn’t love organs? Everybody loves good ole fashioned organs”
“Totally.” Wallas said.
So Wallas and the drug dealer decided to sell Timothy’s organs. They made over ten thousand dollars off of her organs. They then moved to Vegas, and lived happily ever after.
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