I am rewriting my journal...now it will have my RPC profiles |
The War Room Bar and Inn RP
Dart Urakama: Dart Shiru
Age: 20
Birthdate: July 23
Height:6 feet 2 inches
Weight: 205lbs.
Occupation: Ruler of the Rose Republic, General of the 1st army
Intrests/personality: He loves to go to the shooting range or a sparring mat and train, he cares intently about those he leads and would die to save one of them. He is normally fun loving and quite rambunctious, but as soon as a fight with Black Star breaks out....you better watch what you do and say!
Appearance: He is a dog hanyou with long blond hair most of the time kept in a Edward Elrich style ponytail. He has icy blue eyes and is usually dressed in the Rose Army's standard uniform. ((Looks somewhat like the German WWII outfits, except instead of the SS symbol there is a red rose on their collars, and arm.))
Race: Dog hanyou
Equipment: Two katanas, AK-74, Gewher 43, M4 Socom, and K98.
Defense Station Cairo Halo RP
Name: Sev, Spartan 110
Age: 42
Sex: Male
Orientation: Straight
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Birth date: July 23
Rank: Corporal
Occupation: Heavy weapons specialist, Squad leader, Platoon leader in training
Interests: Modifying any weapon to fit his persona, Sniper or MG practice, Sitting and reading history books, writing
Persona: Sev is a cold, cool, and collected. He is normally refered to as the "steel" spartan not only for his color but for his attitude under fire and stiffneess twords those he does not know. To all but his squad mates and friends he seems like a lump of information on tactics or a killing machine. He also loves to sit and flirt with any girl, be they spartan or no.
Appearance: Sev is usually clad in his heavily modded Mark VI armor (He modded it himself). Under neath the armor he is a fit normal looking 26 year old. He has pale blue eyes almost void of emotion except when with friends and short blonde hair.
Background:Trained from age 10 on up to age 20 he has seen 6 years of actual combat and was a lone wolf fighter until joined with his squad 3 years ago. Now he only trusts those he knows and his squad mates.
My World War Two RP
Gaia name: Dart Shiru Charactor Name: Leon Knappe Height: 6 foot 1 inch Weight: 200 pounds Eye color: blue Nationality (German, British, or American): German Rank (PM me for a rank testing): Hauptfeldwebel (American equivelent: Sergeant First Class) Weapons: Gewher 43, Strumgewher 44, Walther P-38, Karbiener 98k Scoped Personality: Leon is very fun loving. Before the war he was just a normal eight teen year old kid. When Hitler's army conquered Russia in 1942 Leon joined. Now twenty two years old Leon is still fun loving, but he is a very serious solider who leads his men well. Branch of Service: Wheremacht Bio: Leon was Born in Berlin. Being born there was a hard life after the depression that followed Europe. He adores Germany but despises Hitler's idea of "Evil Jews". Though he is considered a "Aryan" Leon also despises the special treatment he gets for it. Denying a postition in the SS he went on to become an NCO in the Wheremacht.
My Pirates of the Carribean or just Pirate RPC
Gaian Name: Dart Shiru Name: Alexander Royce a.k.a. Alex the Bold Age: 18 Appearance: Personality: Alex is a merry lad. He loves food and drink. He is not quick to rage but loves girls and would fight to protect their honor and if need be their lives, despite the fact he is a pirate. He will never abandon his crew, he would rather fight and die with them. Bio: Alexander was born in the years before the Great Carribean war. He served as a seaman on a British Royal Navy ship until he turned sixteen. He then roamed the Carribean until he met up with a man who called himself John the Red. He was a pirate. Alexander joined his crew and for a few months sailed with them until their ship was torn apart in a storm. He made it back to a island known as Cuba, a Spanish island. There he stayed making money anyway he could. Then luck found him. One night he took a job transporting cargo for a local treasuery. He was looking at the gold and with a devious smile....he stole it. Worth enough for a ship and a crew he bought just that. He bought the Best sloop-of-war there was, 32 guns. Sixteen eighteen pound long guns, eight eight pound short ranged guns, and eight four pound top deck guns. He found his crew and they sailed. He soon gained the name Alexander the Bold, due to the fact he would even engage men-of-war in fights, and win every time earning himself great treasures.
My Ancient Greek RPC
Gaia Name:Dart Shiru Character Name:Andreas Age:22 Gender:Male Height:Five foot ten inches Weight:One hundred fifty six pounds Appearance:Andreas is a very muscular warrior, his has bright blue eyes and dark brown hair. A noticeable feature on his body is the long scar across his back where he was struck by the lance of a Athenian horseman. Occupation:Warrior City State:Sparta Personality:Andreas is a very good warrior, loyal, compassionate and very honorable. He can be funny when he wants but it is a dry ironic sence of humor. Bio:Andreas as all Spartan boys was taken from his mother at age seven. Trained in the art of war he and his fellow Spartans were made the cream of the crop. Twenty of his friends died in the training but one hundred and sixty three survived. When he was put into the army at age eighteen he quickly proved himself to be a cut above the rest. Loyal and compassionate, Andreas would follow orders to a "T". Since he has been drafted he has fought sixteen battles being wounded in three of them. Roleplay Sample:Andreas Slowly walked foward with his helmet under his arm. He watched as other men in his unit walked the battle field searching for anything valuable that a fallen solider may have dropped. Out of the six hundred of the Spartans there had been only six died and twelve were wounded. Out of the enemy force two hundred lay on the ground bleeding to death or dead. Andreas smiled some, it was another sucess for Sparta. He turned slightly as he listened to his commandwer speak. "Alright...we are to move foward and persue the fleeing cowards! let none esacpe your blades!" He shouted. Andreas odded and put his helmet on slowly getting back to his battle state of mind. He got in line with his unit, he was dead center in the front of the phalanx and was one of the strongest there. They marched at a rapid pace to catch up to their querry. Class(Spartans get two classes, both from the same group): Heavy Infantry: Weapons: Spear, short stabbing sword, knife Armor: Shield, Heavy leather armor with cotton padding Role: Theses men are the staple of all Greecian armies, making up more than sixty percent of total forces. Archer: Weapons: Bow, knife Armor: Cotton padded armor Role: These soliders were specialized in archery, their skills with a bow invaluable on the battlefield. These men also made up a large portion of Greek armies.
My Mech Warrior RPC
Username: Dart Shiru First Name: Sam Last Name: Harris Age: 23 Nationality: German-American immagrant Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Blonde Height: 6 ft. 1 inch Weight: 200 lbs. Mech types trained to use: Light, Assault, Heavy
Body Charactoristics: Sam has two almost three foot long scars on his back from an encounter with a sec of mercs know as "The White Sun's"
Bio: Sam was born in Germany with his mother father and older brother. His mother was murdered when he was six and the killer was never found. The next year he and his father and brother immegrated to the United States where they lived in New York city. The next year tradegedy struck, after tucking Sam and his brother into bed right out side Sam's door an assasin killed his father. ((Assasin=Tatsu)) For years his older brother supported them by getting odd jobs. When Sam was fourteen his brother was also killed by an assasin. He soon got a job and was able to keep the small appartment that his brother had rented. One day while going through his father's things looking for any money that he could find to make the next rent payment Sam found his fathers record, he had been Special Forces Blck Ops. Sam was stunned and immideately had an idea. He checked his brothers records and it was the same...Black Ops. Sam soon went and found their old boss who lived back in Germany. He then worked with the Black Ops for years supposidly quitting after he joine the USCM. Soon after he joined he created his little AI moddled after his brother and his personality, he called him Vexus. He was found to be an excelent solider and a great leader who despite his promotion to Sergeant, never stayed in the APC, he always went to the front to personally lead his men by use of example and some good old fashioned mingun persuasion on those who wouldn't fight.. Trained in the use of explosives and long arms Sam is a deadly threat on the battle feild usually leaveing "Suprises" for the enemy. When he turned twenty he was joined up in his current unit Alpha Draconis the most decorated USCM unit. After a term of two years he became disgruntled with the way the group was running. He left and was found by the Wolf Dragoons. Shortly there after, he was made a mech warrior. When he helped at a battle on Slyvari the leading general of his section was killed and he being the only remaining officer was battle field promoted. He was highly decorated there after and it was agreeded upon by the generals that he should be permanantly elevated and was made Supreme Commander of all Dragoons forces within the Inner Sphere. His flag ship is the Supernova class battleship, the Stone Wolf. After Vexus death Sam withdrew from most things. Though now months later he has finally come to terms with it and lives the life he once lived. But tragically this all ended shortly after the emotional upheaval. Crushed by and unknown object, Sam's body began to fail on him. Months after the inceident he began to age at three times the normal speed of a human. Luckily by giving him several augments Sam was able to retain his strength age and a few new "talents". Now a cybernetic being, Sam has begrudgeingly accept what he is and hopes to find a nice girl soon to settle down with, though he is still very much Stuck on Ellesa.
My Jedi RPC
Gaia username: Dart Shiru Character Name (and any nicknames): Jason (Nickname: Dragon) Kriser Gender: Male Species: Human Home Planet: Corellia(Please correct me if this is wrong..I don't have my map in front of me at the moment...)) Age: 15 Appearance (description, pics, or whatever): Short Bio: Jason was born into a smuggleing family on Corellia, his father having one of the fastest ships out there. His family being rich, comissioned a bodyguard droid for him, as well as his other little droid. When the Jedi examined him he was found to be extreemly strong in the Force. At the young age of three he was taken in for training. After being trained as a Youngling he was sent intot he temple to await a Master's apprentinceship. Now fifteen he is nearing a time limit, much longer and he will be sent away from the temple to live on his own without a master. Personality: Jason has a good disposition. He is usualy very fun loving and kind to those he knows, though he can be very rigid and serious when need be. Specialty Powers (what are you best at?): Jason's best powers are as follows, Force Lightning, Various supportive Force powers, and Force Choke. Jason is also a adept student in all seven forms of lightsaber combat, though his favorite is Vapaad. Special Weapons (including type of lightsaber): Two Lightsabers, one single Blue Blade, the second a Viridian colored Double Blade, Dl-44 blaster pistol Extras: He has several droids in his posession, most noteably of which is his small droid Fixer. Who is a whiz as mechanics as his name inplies, as well as a loud mouthed little hot head. Another of his is his personal body guard droid which after his parents sent him to the academy, followed after. He is normally unarmed, but he has been reprogramed to use a lightsaber and blaster, though he in contrast to Fixer is very docile, he is called Spark. Rank (if you want to be a teacher or a Sith Lord, say so): Padawan Talking color: None, speach outlined by quotation marks
My other Halo RPC
Original Charactors: Gaianame: Dart Shiru Name: Alexander Spartan designation: 110 Age(real and Physical): Real fourty six, Physical twenty three Height: Six feet, six inches Weight: Two hundred ten pounds Eye color: Green Hair color: Brown Home planet: Earth Base Planet: Earth Weapons: SRS99C S2AM Rifle, MA5B Battle Rifle, M6C-Magnum sidearm, 2 M9 HE DP Grenades Rank: Master Gunnery Sergeant Personality: Alexander is very odd somtimes. When he is around his fellow Spartans he can be either laid back, or a very very strict man, it all depends on his mood. Alexander is rigid when it comes tot he rules of engagement, he rarely changes them unless it is an extrenuous case. In a firefight he is very cool headed and makes sure he can come out without casualties. Bio: Born on Earth, Alexander was taken away at the age of seven. He was trained and trained until he was thirteen. Upon that day he turned he was fitted with the implants of the Spratan soliders. Tained very rigorously after that event Alexander soon became the top marksman in his unit. Now a squad sniper he does his job well, acting as a lone wolf. The only thing that sets him apart from other Spartan snipers though, is the fact that he is part of the Marine Corps, by choice.
Ryu from Hellspawn Manor
 Gaian name: Dart Shiru Character name: Ryu Gender: Male Race: Human Age: Seventeen Height: Five feet ten inches Weight: One hundred eight four pounds Weapons: His psychic abilities Room Number: 5 Occupation: Security
Personality: Alexander is very kind and caring. He almost hates to be harsh. Though he would gladly fight on behalf of those who couldn't themselves. Although he is kind, if most people see him, he seems rather shy and withdrawn.
Bio: Ryu was born in Tokyo, to his mother Ainame. His father died long before he was born. At age six he was found to have incredibly strong psychic abilities and was sent to the Aura Development Center in America. After having been released to a normal life again, he chose to go to one of the many academies that had poped up for those with psychic abilities. Graduating a year ahead of time, he still wears his uniform as tribute to the school which he loved so much
Alexander from Hellspawn Manor
 Gaian Name: Dart Shiru Character name: Alexander Gender: Male Race: Neko Age: Twenty three Height: Sic feet two inches Weight: One hundred ninety pounds Weapons: His claws, numerous concealed throwing knives Room Number: 5 Occupation: Head of Security
Personality: Alexander is somewhat of a mystery. Normally cold and seemingly devoid of most emotions, rarely will anything but anger or lust show. Though to those he trusts he will tend to be a bit more open. He is not quick to trust or to anger though.
Bio: Alexander was born in the forest in a small community of Neko's Until he was seven he lived a very happy life. But one day their village was attacked by demon hunters. His parents and sister died in the raid. That forever changed him. Now he will trust none, except those whom he can easily read.
Yet another Halo RPC:
Username: Sam Harris SDC
Character Name: Andreis Malacin
Code Name: Scorch
Spartan #: 162
Appearance: MNJLOR II Modification type 006837, Primary color: Blue Secondary color: Yellow
Weapons: BR55, SPnKR Rocket Launcher, or M90 Shotgun, 2 M9 HE DP Fragmentation Grenades
Field Specialty: Demolitions
Background: As a young boy Andreis live with his grandfather, his mother and father having been on duty on some planet whose name his grandfather never spoke, when it was glassed by the Covenant. His entire family had a long history of military service. His grandfather having been a Lt. Col. in the UNSC prior to his retirement. His father and mother were both intelligence officers for the UNSC as well. When he was six his grandfather offered him up for the SPARTAN enhancements and training. Shipped off to Reach he was vigorously tested before being implanted with the enhancements. Like many others, he survived the augments. During training he exhibited a knack for wiring explosives, and a love of big exploding things. Anything that could blow up, he would try to blow it up. After a few years of training as a demolitions expert, he was taken off Reach. While en-route to Earth, after about a week or less the crew received word of the planets destruction by the Cevenant. Once awoken from cryo sleep Andries mourned the loss of the world that had been his home for almost two decades.
Immediately pressed into service, he soon was on active duty. Finding himself on new strange worlds, he adapted quickly. Fighting every so often alongside a fellow SPRTAN with whom he trained with on Reach, he was quickly given his nickname thanks to his love of explosives, Scorch. He kept the name the gave him, now he doesn't even introduce himself as Andreis, just Scorch. On station at all times he is a capable warrior who makes up for his lack of preplanned ideas with an undefetable sece of duty and courage. He is somewhat of a jester, cracking jokes when possible, though that is a big annoyance to the the Senior officers, but the Marines find him like able. He encourages his men easily by simply doing, without a fear of dieing, though many a time has he escaped deaths cold clutches.
Guild RPC:
Name:Mitsuo Hitake
Nickname: Dog Boy, Inu
Gender: Male
age: 19
race: Inu-no-Hanyou (Dog Half Demon)
Alignment: Gray, Neutral
Personality: Mitsuo is a wild card. He can range in extreems. He can be nice, or and a**, he can be caring, or indifferent, and so on and so forth.
History: Mitsuo's past is as odd as himself. Born into obscurity to his demon mother, he never fit in. Eventually his mother died and he ran away. Some how he ended up int his land, with no recollection of his travels or how he got there.
Weapons: Halberd, His Claws, and fangs, Katana, Longbow, 2 Colt Model 1879 Peacemaker .45 caliber revolvers pistols (always on his hips), power over the element of darkness, Astral Drain (His secret technique), Karbiener 98k bolt action rifle (More will be added later)
Battle skills: Mitsuo is very very good in fighting. He can make use of his pistols and rifle, as well as a sword or Halberd. He is well rounded, bnut is not yet proficient in any area.
Character weakness sad please at least two i know it can be hard to think of that many and still have your character good looking but! It makes it better for everyone!)
Friends in realm: Ludoca
Enemies in realm: None yet
Lover: None as of yet, Is Bisexual though.
Sam Harris SDC · Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 05:38am · 0 Comments |