I realize now that one person caused all this pain while they are happy and I am not. Broken my heart. I tried to be friends and I tried to get along but this feeling of hate is to strong. They tarnished me with poison thoughts and now I pay for what I have done in tears. I absolutly dispise and hate this one person who did this and never once have I hated a person this way. He tore a hole in my heart, making it where I stand alone today. NOTHING HELPS! I try to move on with my own will and light but yet...this tainted emotion is still there. Until I rid my self of him completly I cannot be happy.
I hate him with every fiber of my body and there is not a day that goes by that I not think of it. I hate him with every being of my soul! Even now within my light he causes me darkness and pain! I HATE HIM DEARLY, I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-falls to the ground while still saying it and pounding the earth- I HATE HIM THAT STUPID SONOFABITCH WHO IS OVER DRAMATICLY STUPID IN EVERYWAY, I HATE HIM TO DEATH FOR GIVING ME THIS ETERNAL PAIN, I HATE HIM FOR EVERYTHING EVEN FOR LOVING ME......I ******** HATE HIM!!!!!! -pounds the ground again and cries falling completly while it rains.-
I wish I could kill him right now, I wish I could make him suffer, make him feel every ounce of my pain for every waking moment of his last days on earth. I WANT HIM TO BE UNHAPPY FOREVER!!! I want to just strangle him to death and turn his soul into nothingness like it never existed. I want to undo this sorrow and pain. I want to rid my self of his presense for all time. I WANT TO DISTROY HIM AND MAKE HIM BLEED THAT ETERNAL BLOOD! I WANT HIM TO BE DISTROYED BY MY EMOTIONS FLOWING THROUGH HIM, KILLING HIM!!!! In that last moment, I want him to appologize and maybe I would then give him the consideration of living if he ever made it up to me. All we do is fight and what not. IT ISN'T MY FAULT FOR WHAT I HAVE DONE IT NEITHER IS HIS BUT HIS ACTIONS ARE FAR BEYOND WHAT ANYONE HAS EVER DONE!!!!!!! I HATE HIM DEARLY AND I HOPE HE DIES AND LOSES HIS SOUL FOREVER TO BE NON EXISTANT IN THE WORLD THAT NEVER WAS, I HATE HIM ETERNALY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Cries in the rain laying in the mud with my hair wet and my body unable to move.- I hate him...and that is the strongest feeling of hate I have ever felt. I am sorry if you read this, but I hate you and only if you try to make it up to me will you ever be forgivin. With out fighting and with out fail, if you do not try then you never will regain my trust. Your friendship with me has become utterly dead and you your self are nothing to me. So, I hate you eternaly you selfish sonofabitch!
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