Once upon a time...
There lived a boy who had little more than a pair of pants to his name. All around him, the people of the village he lived in were enjoying themselves, talking to one another, showing off their fasion senses, and posting random emoticons thinking they were being silly. All in all they were happy and content.
This boy, however, was very not content. He felt that there was only one thing that could lift his spirits and that one thing was stuff. Lots of stuff. In fact, if people would give him money, that would be good, too. Any way he could get his hands on more stuff would be good.
So, wanting to get this stuff as soon as possible, he did the first thing that came to mind. He walked up to someone busily talking to another someone and said, "Plz donate to me."
"Why don't you go on over to the Charity House?" said the someone, and continued on with the conversation.
Undaunted, he went up to some other people talking, "Plz donate to me."
"Try the Charity House, kid," said someone. Before those words could finish, however, the kid had gone off to bother other people.
"Plz donate to me. Plz donate to me. Plz donate to me." He kept on, blurting out his sentence to anyone who happened to be near. He was beginning to become a nusance, not caring to stop and properly ask or even listen to anyone. "Plz donate to me," he said to a pigeon on the head of a statue. The pigeon merely pooped. "Plz donate to me." he said to the fountian. The fountian burbled. "Plz donate to me," he said to a stray cat. The cat attacked him and he ran around screaming with a ferel cat attached to his head.
He wandered his way out of the village and began to ask the trees, "Plz donate to me." He shook some bushes to look for animals to ask. Some gold pieces fell out and he quickly collected them. "Hello? Plz donate to me." He looked around, but there was nobody there. He shook the bush but there wasn't any more gold in it.
He wandered deeper into the ever darkening woods. He saw a shadow pass through some trees and quickly said, before it had completely vanished, "Plz donate to me!"
He was now in the darkest, spookiest, scariest, and most creepy crawley part of the woods, but he ignored this, thinking only of getting someone to give him gold or stuff. He called out, "Plz donate to me!"
An echo came back, "Me me me..."
"I'll donate to you," said a creepy gravely voice behind him.
"P-p-plz d-d-donate tuh m-me?," He asked, a chill running down his spine, before turning around.
"I guess you've forgotten how to say anything else," said the owner of the original voice, who was a creepy looking wolf with slimey, wiggly green tentacles sprouting from his back. The tentacles seemed to dance hypnotically behind this odd wolf. "I've got a lot of gold. A whole lot of gold. And I like to give it to strangers who wander into my woods," he said with a twisted grin. The boy could see something he was sure ws an eyeball staring back at him through the wolf's teeth.
"Plz..." the boy gulped and remembered he had a larger vocabulary, "just sum iz ok," he answered, hoping to look inocent and worthy of a lot of gold.
"Oh, that's ok," said the tentacly wolf, "I can make it all right back tomorrow. Probably only take me an hour. Do you want it? I can give you all the gold I have right now."
"YA!," exclaimed the boy, getting excited about the prospect of being rich.
"Are you sure? It's an awful lot of gold."
"GIMME DA GOLDZ!" The boy was jumping up and down. This was too good to be true.
"Alright, you asked for it," said the wolf with that same twisted grin. The wolf grabbed what the boy could now see was a lever and not a branch on the side of a tree, and started to pull.
Pieces of gold started to fall around his feet. The boy looked up. It was coming out of the trees over his head. Then suddenly, the wolf gave a good hard yank down on that lever and a massive load of 800,000 gold pieces fell with a WHUMP! squashing the boy to paste underneath its massive weight. Random violently broken robot pieces tinkled down the pile of gold and the wolf ran like hell into the dark woods.
The End