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Shenlong's Journal
Things going on in my life.
Finally back.
So, I'm finally back to Fort Drum. I ******** hate this place, but it better than where I was. So whatever. Hopefully I'm gonna be getting out of the army pretty soon. I was actually thinking I could just go ahead and deploy again and make some money, but after the last 2-3 days I'm really starting to change my mind.

So yeah, I guess I could explain that. The day before we're supposed to leave JRTC someone in a different company loses a "sensitive item". So we have to stay out all night walking across the compound looking for it. Then when we get back someone from the same company loses another "sensitive item", so we can't get released until that one is found. Neither of these items are "sensitive" as in "if the enemy gets ahold of them we're screwed". They're sensitive as in "they cost more than a couple dollars".

Notice I said these people are in a different company. So the lowest element you can link them to me by is battalion, which is a pretty big element. So I have no idea why this even effected me. Oh yeah, and the army in no way will ever give me back the time that they just took from me.

Whatever, I just wanted to write to let everyone know I was back. So I think I'll get off here for now and finish catching up on everything else on Gaia. Talk to everyone tomorrow.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Apr 18, 2007 @ 07:32pm
Welcome back! XD

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