User-Name: Lloyd_the_White_Wolf
Unit Number: ZGMF-1001/K
Unit Nickname: The Blue Phantom
Unit Classification: ZAKU
Unit Height: 19.10 meters
Unit Weight: 88.10 tons
Unit Armament: MA-M8 beam tomahawk x 2 hand grenade x 4 MMI-M633 beam assault rifle MMI-M826 Hydra gatling beam cannon x 2 MA-MR Falx G7 beam axe
Unit Apparence: Pilot Information: Pilot Name: Starker Krieger
Pilot Age: 33
Pilot Nation: Germany
Pilot Personality:Years of war has turned him serious, even with the ZAFT/EAF union, Starker is still wary. He is a kind man, yet does not hesitate to kill those deserving of death.
Pilots History: Born a German PLANT, Starker always had interests in Gundams, and their pilots. At age twenty-one he joined ZAFT, despite his 'race's' fast development, he wished to ensure his acceptance in ZAFT. Unlike other PLANTs, Starker loves Earth, for more than one reason, one of them, is his wife, Laurena.
Pilots Apparence:Starker Krieger In pilot suit