I'm tired of people saying "Life sucks" And this goes to EVERY single person who EVER said that, expecialy to people who are on this and typed that. All of you that typed that on your computer should be happy that you were even able to type that because some people don't have fingers and some people can't afford to even by a computer to type that. All of you should be happy that you even exist! Some people die even before they come out of their mother. Every single person who is alive shouldn't say life sucks. EXPECIALY the people who say that at school. You should be proud that you even are able to get an education, some of you should be proud that you are not blind, or deff, or even mute. Most of you should be happy that you have a house, cause some people are homless. Some of you should be proud that your parents, parent or whoever takes care of you can even afford to buy you food. Anybody who is alive shouldn't say that! Life isn't perfect, it's going to be hard or very hard at times cause that's life and we are only human. If everything was perfect then everything would be the same. AND THEIR AS A BUNCH MORE I CAN SAY!! All of you who say "life sucks" is rong! Life is a gift, life is something we should be gratefull we even have! I think some of you just can't handle it! I'M AM SO TIRED OF HEARING THAT WHEN IT DOESN'T!!! scream We are not always happy, sometimes we are mostly sad. But life does'nt suck even though it feels like it does, move on with your life and just try to live and experience new things while you still have the chance, cause we only have one chance, one life.
I dare you to read that! Cause I know it's the truth!
Rinoga · Fri Mar 25, 2005 @ 11:44pm · 2 Comments |