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Ninjas are freaking awesome!
ready to get it..nothing will stop me,
tomorrow is the day...I'm nervous but excited and pumped..I don't want to jinx it as lame as it sounds, but I don't...I've been practicing for this day, so I'm going to break them and get it. cause I CAN DO IT!!!I have the strenght, technique,skill and determination to achieve it..wow I'm soo just you know scared, I know that I can do this it's just it's the night before and I'm ready but then I'm not...I WILL GET MY BLACK BELT!!!everyone is going to be there since there are at least 20 or 30 people promoting, some are going to break boards for their color belt test others don't have to, so it's going to be long..hehehe I get to watch everyone then it's my turn....I'm going for my black belt so I have to break 4 boards w/ my foot and 1 w/ my hand..if I was only a year younger I would only have to break 1 board..that would be soo easy but 4 is hard but I can do it! I have everyone supporting me, they're all there for me...so many of my friends from taekwon-do are going to be there so it'll be fun..

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