how very amusing. a gaia journal. i have absolutely no idea if any one is even going to read this, but since i have to do a journal for english any way, i might as well get into the habbit. i'm quite sure that most people will fin this incredibly boring, but oh well. ^_^ ho hum, what to rite about for a first post? how about- I CAN"T WAIT TO GET HOME AND WATCH NARUTO. ^_^ my friend jesi got all 103 episodes from her friend brady, and she gave them to ME. i'm up to episode 89 and i want to watch more. ^_^ now that it's no longer the holidays i'll only get to watch like, one episode per two weeks or some thing, because my mother is such a little irrational a**-hat and restricts my computer time. i'm doing this at school, during computer studies class. dammit the bell jsut rang. i have to go now. comment if you want. tell me how much you love NARUTO. ^_^
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