Nickname: star
Age: 17
Bloodtype: AB
Height: 5' 6"
Weight:: 129lbs
abilities: random spells, flames
Styles: spell casting and sword- fighting
Skill:ex- soldier and spellcaster
Summons: Ifrit, Shiva,Neo bahamut, leviathan,Siren
Limit breaks: Howlingmoon- Heals the comrades she works along side of.
Angelwings- Everyone floats at the same time until battle is over.
lightning strike- Thunder in rolls off her sword and attacks the enemy and then a slice downward leaving a mark.
Magican- She uses her magic to help heal or fight with an explosion, plus also summons the summoner's summon with out waiting.
Magic: all. ((She first has to learn it))
Personalty: Kind, sweet, abit on the wild side
History; She was abandon by her parents at an orphange and was raised to be a spellcaster. At her side there was a dog who followed her everywhere. She grew atached to it and it helps her with most of her magic. She became a soldier and later she found out about Laguna and squall. She meet Squall when the garden stopped at fisher's horizon for the third time. She now works in balamb garden as Quistis's assisant. Squall has been now as sir to her.
Allies: Trabia and Balamb
Birthdate: 12- 2
Enemies: Galbadia
17 yrs. old
weapons: Two sided sword/ flames shoots from one side and ice from the other
personality: Has a strong hot- temper but can be sweet sometimes
history: unknown
image/ appearance:

Name: Milo
Age: Unknown
weapons: A fang sword
Magic: Fire and wind
Limit breaks: The call of the dragon/ His sword transforms into a dragon
Character Name: Shylo
Character Age: 16

Abilities: telekinesis
Good/Inbetween/Evil?: inbetween
allies: Gizmo
Enemies: none

Personality: a smart, charming man who becomes hot tempered if someone messes with his twin sister Kilo
build: medium- built, muscles on his arms
Job: cook/ guardian
Biography: quit his job to protect his sister after she was brutally tortured.
Character name: Kilo
character age: 16
Abilities: summons beasts
status: good
allies: Gizmo

personality:sweet, mischief young girl. Likes to flirt alot with young men
build: none
job: summoner
biography: became a summoner to protect her village, but was brutally attacked. Now under the watchful eye of her brother.