Tamaki: Thinks you're funny and a bit of a tease.
Mori: Thinks you're distantly related to the twins.
Kyoya: Thinks you're secretly plotting something.
Hunny/Honey: Likes to play your games and is good friends with you.
Hikaru & Kaoru: They can't decide who gets to ask you out.
Haruhi: Is glad you're her friend, and thinks that one of the twins should date you.
Renge: Thinks you should change your personality. Don't ask me why, ask her.
Nekozawa: Thinks you have a dark side, if you let it out.
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You are Ray
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Your guy: Neji (me: *gasp* who woulda ever though that he would ever like someone! lol, jk...kinda...)What he likes about you: You are so friendly and easy to get along with. Actually, he tried hating you at first, but it didn't work...
What the characters say and think about you:
What Sasuke says: "She's strong and she's smart."
What Sasuke thinks: *A very good fighter, and a tough opponent.*
What Naruto says: "She's fun to be with, and really strong!"
What Naruto thinks: *She's pretty!*
What Neji says: "She strong, nice, pretty, smart. Everything."
What Neji thinks: *She's cool. It's destiny I met her.* (me: What is it with you in destiny?? -_-; )
What Kiba says: "She nice and strong and smart. She's got it all!"
What Kiba thinks: *Why would she pick Neji over me?? I made it pretty strong I liked her...*
What Shikamaru says: "Nice and strong. Not only that, smart. Tough opponent."
What Shikamaru thinks: *Nice and strong. Not only that, smart. Tough opponent.*
What Rock Lee says: "She's nice, strong, smart, and hell, pretty! She's the package."
What Rock Lee thinks: *Cries* Why did she pick Neji? I'm better!*
What Gaara says: "She's got a little bit of everything, she'll be a tough opponent."
What Gaara thinks: *Very very strong...*
What Kakashi says: "Perfect student."
What Kakashi thinks: *We should have a bakini bash...*
What Choji says: "Youdfa ajcka dkjr iafjc aijewi riaj fvaije."(Translation: I want meat, really really really bad!! lol, jk!! So perfect, it's scary...)
What Choji thinks: "She's got a big heart."
What Kankuro says: "She's cool."
What Kankuro thinks: *WON'T ANYONE STOP BOTHERING ME BY SAYING I WEAR TEMARI'S MAKE UP?? I DON'T!* (me: Sure you don't) (him: Grrr) (me: Leaving)
What Kabuto says: "She's perfect!"
What Kabuto thinks: *She'll be the best one to work for Orochimaru, except Sasuke of course, actually, I think they're in the same range.*
What Sakura says: "She a great friend and person!*
What Sakura thinks: *Why is she better then me??*
What Ino says: "Cool person! And she listens to me!!" (me: The only one huh.)
What Ino thinks: *I'm better then her, right?*
What Hinata says: "I really like her. I think she's one of me best friends, as well as everyone else's."
What Hinata thinks: *She's so nice, and she not only listens, she hears. She's even made Neji not want to kill me! As much...but anyways, I am greatful to her.*
What Temari says: "She's great! We are almost always hanging together."
What Temari thinks: *She's perfect!*
What Tenten says: "She's an interesting opponent."
What Tenten thinks: *I can never hit her with my weapons!! Grrr...*
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The characters would most likely think:
Naruto: Thinks you're cute and way fun. (He also has a crush on you, but you know Naruto, he doesn't quite know yet.)
Sakura: Thinks you're pretty cool but maybe you should calm down a little.
Sasuke: Wants you to shut up and finds you a bit annoying, but he doesn't hate you.
Ino: Is friends with you, even though she knows you wish she'd just stop obsessing over Sasuke. You brighten up her flower shop.
Chouji: Thinks you're nice and always willing to get an ice cream cone with you.
Shikamaru: Gets along with you okay, but you're talkative and loud enough to be quite troublesome. And he's tired of Naruto talking about you.
Kiba: Is one of your best friends. He loves to hang out with you. He thinks you're pretty awesome, as far as girls go.
Hinata: Thinks you're too loud, but is friends with you because you're a lot like Naruto: loud and fun. You're a good influence on her, although she can get a bit overwhelmed.
Shino: Thinks that since you're not a bug, you're not important enough to think about. He doesn't care about you.
Lee: Thinks you are very youthful and doesn't understand why you won't wear the green spandex suit he got you.
Tenten: Doesn't know you very well, but thinks you're pretty cool and wishes she was cute like you.
Neji: Doesn't like you a whole lot but he does put up with you since you're nice enough.
Gaara: Doesn't understand how you can be so happy and innocent...yet be a strong shinobi.
Kankuro: Thinks you're cool and is friends with you, but you two fight a lot since you tease him about his "makeup," "dolls," and "cosplay."
Temari: Thinks she's stronger than you are and that you're too immature. Fun to have around though.
Kakashi: Is scared you'll make Naruto forget about his training.
Asuma: Thinks you're a nice girl as far as he knows.
Kurenai: Thinks if you were on her squad, you'd be a jounin by now.
Gai: He thinks you're youthful but that the pranks you occasionally pull on him are very wasteful of youth.
Baki: Only vaguely knows who you are.
Anko: Thought you'd fail the chuunin exams for sure, but you came through quite well.
Tsunade: Thinks you have great potential, and if you concentrated on training more, would be extremely strong.
Jiraiya: Likes how you make Naruto happy. Because of Naruto, he's never tried to research you.
Yondaime: Would have loved to have you as a daughter-in-law.
Orochimaru: Hates you, since you're a girl, he has no use for you. He is a bit worried you'll inspire Naruto to new strength, though.
Kabuto: Has no idea who you are.
Itachi: Thinks you are worthless and couldn't care less about you. Unless he can use you to get to the kyuubi...
Kisame: Doesn't know anything about you but probably wouldn't like you.
Deidara: Thinks if you were in the Akatsuki, even though you're kind of a goody-goody, you'd be a better partner than Tobi.
Zetsu: Wouldn't mind eating you...
Your friends would most likely be: Naruto, Kiba, Ino, Lee, Hinata, and/or Kankuro.
Your boyfriend would most likely be: Probably Naruto, but possibly Lee or Kiba, too.
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*Note* This is you in like anime form not the actual you. Its just saying what the Naruto characters would think of you if you were a character in Naruto.
Name-Michiko (Beautiful wise child)
Personality-Calm and quiet. Always does the best you can. Very courteous and usually smart. Has a good intuition.
Looks-The picture shows the hairstyle. You wear a white tank top with a light blue poncho over it. Your pants are white with light blue designs. You wear your headband around your arm.
What the characters think
Naruto-She's really pretty and nice. Not really my type but definitely a good friend.
Sasuke-You can't tell by looking at her but she's really strong. I wish I had gotten to know her better before I left to Orochimaru.
Sakura-I want to hate her but there's nothing to hate about her. When Sasuke was here he liked her everyone could tell but I just can't bring myself to hate her.
Hinata-A lot of people compare her to me but really she's completely different. She speaks her mind and isn't afraid to do what she believes is right.
Kiba-I've tried to ask her out tons of times but decided to give up. She was never mean to me though. Each time she turned me down with honesty and kindness. That's why I liked her so much.
Shino-She's different then most girls. Nice and she doesn't judge me like most people. What's even better is that now Sasuke's gone maybe I can finally ask her out....
Shikamaru-She's definitely not troublesome like most girls. She's a good leader too.
Choji-I don't know her that well but from what I've heard she's really nice.
Ino-Sakura may not have been able to hate her but while Sasuke was here I hated her. It was hard though. She was so nice to me even though I was awful to her.
Neji-Very different. She'll listen to what I have to say and gives her views on them. She doesn't just say that I'm wrong or anything but what she thinks of the situation.
Lee-Not my type but a good sparring partner. If you ask me I would say Neji has a crush on her.
TenTen-We've never quite seen eye to eye but we still get along pretty well. She proves that girls are just as good of fighters as guys are. I respect that.
Gaara-She nearly beat me in the Chunnin exam but she decided not to keep the fight going. Something about her is different.
Kankurou-Really pretty but I would never make a move on her. Anyone strong enough to beat Gaara shouldn't be messed with.
Temari-I don't really have an opinion on her. She seems strong but too soft on her opponents.
Kakashi-It's hard to believe a girl of her strength is still only a genin. She seems a little scared to show her real powers though.
Asuma-All I've heard is that she has become one of the strongest ninjas in the village even though she is only a genin.
Kurenai-From what I've heard from my students she's a very strong ninja who is also very smart.
Tsunade- I fear for her. Her strength makes her a prime target for Orochimaru or the Akatsuki. When I told her of my fears she merely said that she could protect herself. It wasn't very reassuring.
Jiraiya-Tsunade babies her. She could beat me if she really tried and if someone were to provoke her such as Orochimaru or the Akatsuki she could definitely kick there butts.
Orochimaru-I wanted her for myself but shes probably too strong for me. She's much like Itachi.
Kabuto-Orochimaru doesn't think I would be able to beat her but how much can she do. She is a girl.
Itachi-The leader has been talking about her for awhile now. I'm waiting for the orders to go and get her.
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Ice Goddess!
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Friendship- Your inner power is Friendship! Your friends mean everything to you, as you do to them. You are generally a happy, laid back person who anyone can approach. You love more than anything to make new friends and hang out with your old ones. Everyone generally loves you for being such an awesome, cheerful person. You have heaps of close friends, and can think of nothing better to chat on the phone for hours with them, or hang out with them whenever you can. Youd die to protect your friends from harm, and are always there for them, no matter what. Life for you is just a breeze, with the friends you have, life is all but perfect. And if you are ever brought down, like youd do for them, your friends would just pick you right back up again, and be there for you no matter what. You have a positive outlook on life, and people love to be around you because of your joyful, bouncy nature. You probably love a good joke and tease your friends until they are bright red, but they love you all the same. Good on you for being so positive! With your attitude, and all your friends, life for you were usually be great!
Boy/Girl who will sweep you off your feet: The guy/girl who feels like the best friend in the world. The two of you would be able to talk about anything together. He/She would probably be your friend first before you fell for them.
Your stone/jewel: Emerald
Your power: Friendship. The ability to make friends with anyone, and to soothe old rivalry so that peace and friendship upholds.
Your element: Water
A quote that applies to you: Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say.
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You Are 90% Psychic
You are so very psychic.
But you already predicted that, didn't you?
You have "the gift" - and you use it daily to connect with others.
You're very tapped into the world around you...
Just make sure to use your powers for good!
Are You Psychic?
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how well do you know FMA? (PICS!)

a true fan
You are a true FMA fan. You watch the show, read the manga, and play the games. like me you know everything there is about it. u will probably cosplay as your fav character the first chance you get! nice result!....you hate posers, and those who just read it because it's the new cool thing,
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
how well do you know FMA? (PICS!)

a true fan
You are a true FMA fan. You watch the show, read the manga, and play the games. like me you know everything there is about it. u will probably cosplay as your fav character the first chance you get! nice result!....you hate posers, and those who just read it because it's the new cool thing,
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

What type of Fae are you?

What celestial choir do you resonate?