alot of s**t has bee going on in the past few weeks...s**t i dont even know what today is anymore. I've been playing halo 2 and I finally reached ten and then when to 11! Hell yeah! I had a girl but she supposedly has a Bf already so I left her. My gf is now Hnycleo. I loves her soo! I passed my second chance test with a 92! damn was I happy when I saw that grade. I perfectly recited a bible verse at church. I got a new smaller comp. but It's gay as ********! scream I wouldn't let me post until mom won't let me play my xbox stare she says I play it all day and that im lazy then my mind kinda wondered in a different direction. I slipped my headfones on then.I discoverd that the beastie boys are better than I thought they were. My girl knows my godbrother and he doesn't know that I know her...he tried to spit game on her. She wasn't into him though. Im gonaa post a whole lot so if you need to get up and get something to eat or drink then that's alright. Back to my journal I've been workin on my breakdancin it's not that bad if you saw me yo could tell that I was a beginner though. I almost broke my leg trying to do a certain move. Baby if your readin this wassup i love you! wink heart im getting off the subject. I almost got into a fight at school the other day. I just realized that I talk to much. I got my av rated and she gave me a 7 so I guess that means that my av is sexier than the rest of your av's out there! blaugh Im tired of typing so im out! peace!
[ ][ -Concrete-Puma-][ ] · Mon Mar 21, 2005 @ 12:01am · 1 Comments |