Ok. It all starts like this... Last semester I failed math so I was given a chance to improve my grade for last semester. All that I had to do was take a class every morning before the start of school. Well that was like a gizillion weeks ago and my times up! Or at least I hope so. You see theres a test that we had to take today and yesterday. If you passed the test then you get to withdraw from that class, and get your passing grade for the last semester. But If you fail it then you will have to continues the class for the rest of the school year! sad So you guy's, and girls, pray that I passed the test! Plz do for me! Because if the tast was a faliure for me then you guys most likely will not be seeing me for about a month! That's what My pops said to m, while taking me to my "Second Chance" class this morning....I find out if I did tommorow. Pray...plz another funny story is one of my friends in math class gets a ride from me in the mornings to the same class. We were talkin and he said, " I hope I didn't fail the test and have you pass it. Because then I'm not gonna have a ride." I thought this would lighten the mood up a little. But that's what you get when you live my ******** up life! .: razz eace::.
[ ][ -Concrete-Puma-][ ] · Thu Mar 10, 2005 @ 09:48pm · 0 Comments |