Hello and welcome to all who choose to read. I haven't realy thought about just what I'll be puting in here yet. This may range from my chrtr's back ground for the RP I'm in to just ramblings. xp Mostly I hope to just have some fun with this. smile
A little about me, I'm a gamer I guess, and I like to collect things, mostly odds and ends rely. I am an adult who gaian's, why do I gaian? Well it could be because many of my real life family members are on gaia. I have a few nieces, nephews, a uncle and most my children are on gaia. I come from a big family being the oldest of seven children, and I like big families. One of my children likes to crack a joke about how MOM means "Mom of Many". lol I am also a very proud grandmother. I have many interest and find that the internet is a good way to me feed my ever hungry mind. smile
Details: Name: Jek, Birthdate: Nov 13, age: mom & granny wink , Location: USA, Language: English sometimes lol, Favorites Color: Black, gold, green, purple. haha The Saints & Mardi Gras have left there marks on me lol.
Appearance" Eye Color: golden, Skin Color: Pale, Hair Color: redish when not dyed black and red lol.
You Are Fairly Skeptical

You're not the type of person who will fall for anything... But you do keep your mind open to all sorts of possibilities. You figure that anything could be true. After all, the world is a strange place. However, you're going to need some convincing before you can believe in aliens or reincarnation!
How Skeptical Are You?
You Are A Chestnut Tree

You are a born diplomat with a well developed sense of justice. And even though you're impressive and intimidating, you're also fun to be around. You can be irritated easily, and you sometimes act superior. Nevertheless, you are sensitive of others feelings and very loyal. Sometimes you feel misunderstood and are fiercely close to those who know you best.
What's Your Celtic Horoscope?
You Communicate Like a Man

When you communicate, you like to get to the point. You're not afraid to say what's on your mind - and leave it at that. Talking about your emotions drains you. You rather keep them to yourself. You prefer solving problems to wallowing in your sorrows.
Do You Communicate Like a Man or a Woman?
Scorpio - Your Love Profile

Your positive traits:
You're red hot passion makes anyone you date feel extremely wanted Loyalty, to the point of doing anything to protect your lover You are mysterious and charismatic - and you easily draw people in
Your negative traits:
You tend to be paranoid and think that the worst is going on with your lover You turn cold and mean at the first sign of conflict in relationship You sometimes become obsessed with dates - so much so that you develop jealousy early on
Your ideal partner:
Someone who will take the time to win you over. Not an easy task! Is able to keep up with your carnal appetite... lots of stamina needed. Reassures you of their love and loyalty on a daily basis.
Your dating style:
Intense. You prefer to stay in with take out and conversation - so that no one else is distracting you and your date.
Your seduction style:
Hot. New partners have trouble believing that your libido is for real. You have incredible sexual intuition - you always know what your lover craves A bit bossy. You know what you want, and you certainly aren't afraid to ask for it.
Tips for the future:
Don't be so secretive with your love - they want you the way you are Let go of your jealousy. Your partner has chosen *you* Spend more time alone, doing things you love. It will help you be less obsessive.
Best color to attract mate: Dark red
Best day for a date: Tuesday
What's Your Love Profile?
Your True Birth Month Is June

Fussy,Abiding,,,Friendly,Stubborn,Talkative,Sensitive,Executive,Hesitating Easily hurt,Active mind,Easily bored ,Daydreamer,Loves to joke,Tends to delay Temperamental,Brand conscious,Loves to dress up,Having lots of ideas Good debating skills ,Funny and humorous ,Thinks far with vision Prone to getting colds,Polite and soft-spoken,Able to show character Seldom show emotions,Knows how to make friends,Easily influenced by kindness Takes time to recover when hurt,Choosy and always wants the best Those who love me are enemies; Those who hate me are friends
What's Your True Birth Month?
Your Taste in Music:

80's R&B: Highest Influence 80's Rock: Highest Influence Classic Rock: Highest Influence 80's Pop: High Influence 90's Alternative: High Influence
How's Your Taste in Music?
Jek The Watcher · Fri Mar 30, 2007 @ 09:02am · 0 Comments |