I love the dark, but I hate others in it....
I love to be in the dark, but push others to the light....
The darkness might consume me, but I will never let it consume others...
My heart is cold and dark, but others know it as warm and nice....
Are you trapped? Trapped in the dark?
In the dark where your past haunts you day and night...
Hour after hour tearing you to pieces....
Well, I say ******** THE DARK!
Be happy like I once was....
Live your life as a child would...
Live your life never knowing what would happen next, but always smiling…
I live in the dark...
I crawl to the light, but the darkness grabs my foot and draws me back in....
Someday I will fully get away from the dark...
Soon I will pull everyone that lives in the dark with me, out, out into the light, where it is warm...
Where we can be happy...
Where the past will leave us be....
Where the dark will never get us...
Lets go....
For all my close friends