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My eyes have been bothering me for the last couple of days, They burn like hell. burning_eyes
Yeah, My Dad, Aunt and grandmother are mad at me now, For no reason. stare
Well...Kind of. But A stupid reason.
People think they can just go through my stuff and read my journal and look through my drawing! That bothers me...Like zero privacy.
I hate it when people think they can force their religion on you and they think they can change who you are.!? scream
I just needed to let that out. sweatdrop
Enough of that...
Im getting a collar! A kitty' collar. 3nodding It's black and silver. I just love chokers and collars.
I was listening to me Mp3 player today and I found some songs that I have no clue how they got on there. But they were cool. I think they were called everything I hate revalves around me and tears dont fall.
My arm hurts. 'O_o But I'll live. 3nodding
The otehr day I was watching better then chocolate when my sister walked by and said "He's hott!" But it was a girl! xd She cried and about throw up. xp Ew...

I've been really cold..Like today it was almost 90 outside and I was wearing a jacket. eek I'm turning into my mom gonk gonk gonk

I finaly got myself a dream avvy! ^__^ So cute!!!
I swear if there was a way to like switch voices with somebody I would. I totaly hate my voice! My brotehr told me im conceited because I like my hair... confused

Nooo!! My mom works nights now...Which means only one hour alone at home. emo That sucks. I think theres a dead moth on the keybaord. O__O; talk2hand Ewww! I dont like bugs...They scare the s**t out of me.

I can not wait untill I get a job! Only Six months to go... But I guess I can wait.
I'll probably get a job with my mom. xp And her gay friend...That really confuses me. confused *Sigh*
My hair is three colours now. Brown, Blonde and Black. Yep...
I wish there was a faster way of getting gold. It takes forever bumping and voting in polls.
I have to buy some more minutes for my phone...Soon. sweatdrop I only have 17 minutes left.
I've been writing like poems and stuff but too embarassed to put any in here. Plus...I threw them away.
Mmm...Im running out of stuff to talk about.
Aha! My sunday school teacher works with a woman who is a lesbian. 3nodding And is okay with it. I find that odd. Like my mom.
Im really sad right now besauce my Tally is sick. crying
After making me cry my brotehr says he'll stop bothering me about my personal life...Whatever. He's a liar. emo
I cant wait to get a tatoo! My aunt like hates it when a girl has a tatoo and I told her I was getting one. She wouldnt say anything. sweatdrop

~Shane heart

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