FOR THE LOVE OF HOBNOBS AND JAFFA CAKES, PLEASE DON'T BACKTHREAD! *tackles Gent very carefully as to not damage his suit* gonk
Murderous Lemur
ATTENTION INTELLI-THREAD: This thread is made entirely out of sexy people.
Jon [Soho]

Questing a Spirit Falcon!
Please donate?

Questing some sanity!
Please die?

The Intelli-Gent

Bwahaha. The British have your biscuits. We're not returning them until you begin spelling "flavour" correctly.
[insert evil laughter]
*runs away with the Oreos*
The Intelli-Gent
rofl No, I am still here. Double posting confusion.
Like a kitty? Since I'm still sprawling on my bed, I suppose I do. A good friend of mine just adopted a cat and five kittens. I am immensely jealous.
I vote we have a tea and chocolate evening.
You can't post stuff like this after I watch porn.
Gent made me .. redface
I think that's the hottest thing he's ever posted.
SPRAWLED holds even BETTER meaning now. rofl
wink heart
I think that's the hottest thing he's ever posted.
SPRAWLED holds even BETTER meaning now. rofl

wink heart
I've always wanted someone to lift up the kilt, expecting nothing.. and bam! LACE PANTIES. rofl
Murderous Lemur
I've been doing my homework for the past several hours. >__>
*once wrote an essay about procrastination the night before it was due*
*once wrote an essay about procrastination the night before it was due*
The Intelli-Gent
I think unmentionables of any sort ought to be entirely avoided, however.
Are you telling me you go commando?
O p ! u m
How you all jump on Intelli-Questions like birds to prey is astounding. Perhaps we'll even get a special on the Discovery Channel...
Notice how the Intelli-Threader stands, spear of knowledge poised above their helpless, defenseless prey: The Intelli-Question.
Spoonerisms are knucking futs.
Murderous Lemur
Sometimes I fear the Intelli-Thread is just one article of clothing away from becoming a giant orgy. With Gent as the unwilling ringleader.
*Uses Nnia as a pillow*
:is secretly a cactus:
Le Aristocrat
From page 9900 began the "foreplay" for the thread. The thread started it's "sex" phase at around 9985 pages. It got faster and faster, until it climaxed at page 10,000. Now it should be calming down, and soon it will flop down onto a pillow, and mourn its lost "10,000 pages virginity".
Comparing what happens in the thread to sex works surprisingly well...
Comparing what happens in the thread to sex works surprisingly well...
*peeks in*
Did someone say "Excuse to get naked?" ninja
Did someone say "Excuse to get naked?" ninja
Its an underwear party! But Gent's being a party pooper and won't join. xd
I bet he'd look great in a pair of silk boxers. wink
The Intelli-Gent

neon undies
Uh, MSNBC? You may need to rethink your definition of "breaking news" if you have, like.. five of them a day. "Breaking news" is, like.. GEORGE BUSH KILLED WITH BOWLING BALL or OSAMA BIN LADEN FOUND IN CANADIAN IGLOO.