>< jeesh
Today was just...jeesh. I mean it's a non stop uninvited guest day. We woke up this morning having every intension of clean the house and decorating for Halloween. Well as you can guess, that isn't happening. First my Uncle and cousin come over to help with the computer, which isn't bad, but hey. Then my cousin Veronica showed up with her son Josh. She just got back from Germany after being gone for 3 years so it was kinda nice to see her again, but it interefreared with our plans. Then we get a call form my mom's friend Sandy cause she was in town. So she stopped by also. Very crazy, very busy....nothing is getting done. After Sandy leaves I'm going over to my Uncles house for dinner, more unplanned things. YAY!!! I'm going crazy so I'll talk to everyone later.
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