So... how long has it been since I last updated this? Around halloween... two years ago, so it seems. Well, hooey. I think I'm due for another entry, then. I mostly stopped because I thought no one was reading it. And, being the vanity whore that I am, there didn't seem to be much point to keeping a journal. Despite my avi's appearance (and I know a lot of people on Gaia base a person's attributes and personalities on their avi's), I'm not an emo kid, or an attention whore (that's right, vanity and attention are two different leagues of whore). On the plus side, I suppose I can at least have a lot to talk about. Where to start... where to start...
Well, I'm not gonna bother reading my previous entries just to satisfy everyone, so I'll just start from where I most remember last writing about. I believe I was worrying my a** off about graduating and high school. I got through that with the bare skin of my teeth; I was in that eSchool crap, but that didn't work so well in that the internet is my outlet for entertainment-- therefore, I'm too easily distracted to even consider doing schoolwork on the world wide web. Fux that crap. So I ended up going to a summer school thing to finish out my math course (to which I still blame my faculty for not letting me know I didn't pass all the grades of math for graduation and ultimately almost screwing me over like the man enjoys doing to me). I've been on a would-be siesta for some time, doing some work in varying jobs; I quit Kroger before graduation, and thank god I did. I mean, mostly I HAD to, seeing as how it was by school, and was therefore convenient for me when I was still learning useless crap.
God I miss pork lo mein. Elaboration for that comment? Hellz no.
Anyways, I'm glad I quit that crap. I was getting ready to rip my boss a new one anyway. He was a major douchebag, and not a single person there of reputable position bothered to help me out with my problems and didn't see me work my a** off for ultimately nothing. I SUFFERED there, and I can't begin to rant long enough to describe just how ******** retarded it was. PARDON MY FRENCH, but it pisses me off like crazy whenever I think about it. So anyway, after that, things slowed down. It was summer vacation, and I was enjoying the best of it. My parents told me I had a week to get my stuff together before I went out for a new job, but I ended up taking a month or so. Yes, yes I am a lazy bum. Don't like it? Piss off. D:<
So, anyway, after that, I got the hook-up from my best friend at McDonald's. I know, it's not that glamorous. Grease and... sanitary crap... and... whatever. I could tell you secrets. Actually, no I can't. It was just gross to fathom, especially when working 3rd shift when the heavy machinery gets cleaned. First off, the fryhopper? Yeah, there's so much excess salt and grease in that, wow. It never comes clean. The grill? HAHAHA. Man, that was a chore. First you had to slide out the grease traps... those things are like ancient, and need to be replaced every night. Every burger produces it's own weight in grease, take my word for it. And we kept the grease bucket in the back... I really do not envy the person that has to clean that up. So anyway... before I get further off-topic... it was actually not a bad job. The superior cook spoke only spanish (surprise surprise), and there were colorful people I worked with. To boot, my managers were awesome, especially this gay guy named Daniel. He was just... awesome, and even now, he still gives me free ice cream whenever I visit. The only downfall? ******** customers. I can't believe how bitchy people can get over a food item that assists in slowly killing you. They were pissy and hassley, and only one or two out of twenty were cooperative. SORRY, I DIDN'T DO GREAT IN MATH CLASS, HOLD ON FOR A ******** SECOND while I type out your long-a** order. Seriously people, appreciate the poor bastards who make your food; they can really mess with your food and no one except you and them will ever know.
It was fun, but I got tired of handling it. Plus, I was given another oppurtunity by my friend to work at UPS. Considering my options, UPS is the best way to go; it can pay for college within my area, give me a lot of money, and get me the exercise I really need. Unfortunately, my friend who was hooking me up is physically disabled, and is presently on leave because of a worsening condition. But after he's taken care of, he said he can still hook me up. I've been looking for other work in the mean time, but it really isn't going well. Aside from my tai chi aesthetic (no excess motion D; ), I'm brutally honest with my applications. I'm finding that people don't want people like me to work for them in normal industries like video stores or some BS job like that. So I'unno. My ex (I'll tell you about her in a minute) motivated me to post a resume on That is actually a really good way to get things going and make up for all the lost time I've wasted over time. I've been at it for a couple weeks now, and I've been getting some oppurtunities for graphic design, but none of them are at my level-- they all require knowledge in these programs I've never heard of, and blah. But I'm working on it, I promise.
On a sidenote, I make kickass banners, as I'm rather Photoshop-savvy. I did a Quest banner for my friend, Lime Poptart (that's right, I'm giving you her name so you can bug her), and apparently people asked about it and stuff 'cause it was awesome. My first ever sprite tag too (using her dream avi). So anyway, bottom line, if you ever need something like that to be done banner-wise, just drop me a line and I can provide a service. NOW, unfortunately, I don't do them for free-- unless you're a good friend of mine. Like I said, just drop me a line (PM's work best) if you want a banner of awesomeness, or if you just doubt my photoshopping powers and want proof.
Now then, for my ex. Yes, ex as in we used to date. Alas, I've still got feelings for her, and I guess she does for me (I can't be too sure with her). Of all things, she's a worry wort; she does have a lot of stuff to deal with all at once, but I think she sometimes just overdoes it. I'unno, maybe I just can't fathom how difficult her life is when mine's been so easy-going, especially of late. At any rate, we've been talking off and on for a while now about all sorts of stuff, and her latest and greatest boyfriend doesn't seem to be pulling his weight in the relationship so well-- I mean, I don't know the guy too well, but from what I've heard from her... jeez. He's the type of guy that says 'I love you' at every given moment of silence, and really sticks to her like glue-- not in the possessive way, but kind of like the really annoying little guy way. He's also emotastic, and has a problem getting his priorities straightened out. And finally, from what I hear, he's not too great in the digital sack. I'm not in any position to judge him, though, so don't think I'm badmouthing him. I'm just saying what I've heard. At any rate, I care a lot about my ex whether or not we're dating; she's been one of my best friends for the longest time, and I can't imagine parting with her. And she's the biggest reason why I've been trying to get work so much lately; I really want to see her, but she lives far away, so I need money to go. She mentioned something about this summer, so I'm shooting for that. And I haven't been reliable in the past, so I figure if I can pull this off, then I can really form a relationship with her... or something. And somewhere in-between that, I have to get her a vibrator-- well, I don't HAVE to, but I want to. There's just something about getting her off that really makes me happy-- not in the sensual sense of happy, but the other kind. I'unno; I'm thinking I really like sex beyond the sheer joy of lust. I mean, for a virgin, I know a LOT. D;
So, anyway. More news... more news...
Well, I got a new computer. My friend and his friend built it for me. All I had to do was hand over 320 bucks. And for 320 bucks, it's a really good machine. I'll spare you the technical mumbo jumbo (because I don't know most of what it means), but the graphics card is awesome, and I can actually run some current games out there . The first thing I did when I got the computer was start playing Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. Homg, that is an addicting game. And it's really long, and really fun. Just recently, in fact, I got a mod for nudity. Yes, I am a pervert. No, I don't care what you think of me. There's something about a naked high elf wielding a mace that chases me that just... rawr. I haven't played lately seeing as how I've had internet, but yeah. Y'see, I USED to leech from my dad's computer from a wireless signal, but the internet service he uses is so obscure that it only supports two MAC Addresses; and we already have two computers on the internet, neither of which are worth using at all. I mean, seriously, like really really old hardware. I won't go into detail, but it makes DSL on them run slower than 56k. That's god-awful. So anyway, I just set up a LAN, seeing as how I got a really really really long ethernet cord to plug into. I'm not in the sanctity of my room, but I can at least post here and do my daily internet-related tasks without much bother. Plus I'm home alone most of the time on the weekdays, so masturbation-- I MEAN-- private study time isn't interrupted too terribly often.
On a similar note, when you ARE almost caught, jeez. I'm thankful to be a guy, first of all. I can orgasm on my belly (so it doesn't get everywhere), and clean up pretty easily after-the-fact. This one time, though, I had just gotten there, and then my sister walked in. I had to put my shirt over my belly, and walk awkwardly downstairs without getting a stain on my shirt from the liquids on my stomach to clean myself up. I know this isn't information most of you really want or need to know, but I really have lost all of my innocence on the internet; I don't really care if you know my masturbation habits or not. And, besides, I'm leaving out the really weird stuff, like my fetishes and junk. You don't get that on a journal entry on Gaia, sorry. I'm already pushing past the PG-13 rule as is. D:
So, anyway, I think that about covers most of my present situation. I left out some key stuff like my hobbies and whatever, but I guess I can get to that later.
Actually, I'll cover it now. These days I like to draw and do photoshop stuff. On one hand, I draw pretty well; people seem to like my work, and I'm only too happy to attain their visual satisfaction by providing them with my doodles. I'm not a big fan of most of my work, but whatever works? Lately I've been drawing character designs for things that'll never happen-- after art class was over, I found myself not working too hard on actual projects anymore. I'm doing a commission for someone right now, but I'm mostly working really hard on it to impress him... he's a really good artist, and he sells his stuff for really big prices-- and rightly so. I do KH-esque designs; in that I get a lot of my inspiration and anatomy functions from Kingdom Hearts characters. I can only do males (seeing as how drawing young girls really isn't my bag), but it's still fun. You can really let loose, and people really like my clothing designs and weapons I make for these characters. I also at one point started making characters for my own comic, but it didn't go far. Me and my friend were also going to do a webcomic, but that didn't get off the ground either. At the moment, I've been working on ninja turtles for the upcoming movie, and for a friend on a forum I go to whose a really good artist and is into oldschool ninja turtles stuff. It's kinda hard, seeing as how turtles shouldn't be able to bend their torso's without breaking something, seeing as how they have that weird plating going on... whoever thought ninja and turtles went together flawlessly was missing a few brain cells. I'm also working on doing lineart for my work and digital coloring using photoshop to give them a more professional feel. I tell you what, though, I HATE the pen tool with a passion. Out of all the things I learned in my graphic design class, that was the one tool I never got used to. So, anyway, for now I'm just doing my own thing until I can get into art school and learn more and get some kind of a career out of it.
Also, as of like a year ago, graphic design is becoming pretty fun. Mind you, I'm not really big on the professional stuff like advertising signs and junk. I mostly do effect-based banners and such (just look at this to get my meaning). I never opened up a shop or anything since I like to use renders and stocks from various anime series and stuff, and Gaia's not too keen on that seeing as how they're somehow liable (whatever), so I do private functions now and again to appease people who want them. And like I said, I've done sprite banners for friends' quests and stuff, so I guess I'll do that now. At any rate, I'm really aspiring to learn new techniques to make really cool stuff. As far as the people I've learned from are concerned, I'm only officially ranked as an amateur in photoshoppery. It's tough, man, it's tough. So for now, I just post my work on the KHU (Kingdom Hearts Ultimania) forum for critiques and ways to improve. I really get a kick out of it, and might even forge a career someday from that-- or just slack off and do that in my spare time. Either or.
I also do the basics, like watching TV and playing video games. I don't watch much TV anymore, seeing as how the internet's superior. As far as video games are concerned, I'm not an avid gamer like my friends. I'm not obsessed with this MMORPG crap or playing counter-strike like crazy. I play counter-strike now and again, and I swear off MMO's seeing as how they take over lives. But most times, I just play off-line games like Oblivion, Kingdom Hearts, super smash brothers (I will pwn you in that particular game), and other stuff I don't do as much as I used to. If my playstation wasn't so retarded, I'd be playing Jak X right now, the only Jak I've never played all the way, since it freezes on the playstation-- the console's fault, not the game. I guess I need a new one... whatever. In the mean time, I'm just counting down to KH2FM+ to come to America (the first Final Mix to ever come to the states) so I can play the hell out of it, and finally get some questions answered about Kingdom Hearts' storyline (the most epic thing I've ever played on). It IS coming to America, for those of you who don't know. I'm also going to enjoy playing KH3 (despite what people say about it), and I'm looking forward to the new secret movie to unlock at the end of KH2FM+ (if you want screencaps from it, go to So above all, right now I really like KH. Also I'm looking forward to FFXIII Versus, seeing as how Nomura's time is making it. I love Tetsuya Nomura, everything he does is awesome.
So, there we go. I think that about covers everything about me, and should be up to date with what's going on with me lately. I hope you enjoyed this long-a** entry, and are content with it. I probably won't make another entry for a while... maybe a couple months or so. Whatever. Bottom line is, I'm out.
View User's Journal
This journal will be to let people know what my days are like, what music plays in my head, who in the world I hate, and my opinions on random garbage that half of the people on Gaia could care less about. :D.
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[OMG] Mitochondria`
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Duzell Kuchiki
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you may not believe me, but I read the entire journal entry.
all I have to say is this: you sound amazing. but don't worry I'm not a stalker.
I'm not underage. c: