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Memoirs Of A Villain I write about my days, what I feel about the world and the ugly truth... If you cannot handle it all....then don't enter the mind of a villain....

Dokudokushii Akunin
Community Member
My Take On Fake Friends
before we go any further ... friends
as you call 'em they call you when you need somethin
trees for the blunt.. 2 g's for the front
i found of a way to get peace of mind for years
and left the hell alone, turn a deaf ear to the cellular phone
send me a letter or better we can see eachother in real life
just so you can feel me like a steel knife
at least so you can see the white of they eyes
bright from surprise once they finish spittin lies
associates is your boys your girls
bitches, niggas, homies.. close, but really dont know me
mom, dad, comrad, peeps, brothers, sisters, dunz, dummies
some come around when they need some money
others make us laugh like the sunday funnies
fam be around wether you pay them bummy
you can either ignore this advice or take it from me
be too nice and people take you for a dummy
so now a'days he aint so friendly
actually they wouldnt even made a worthy enemy
read the signs, no feedin the baboons
seein as how they cut your back bleeding from the stab wounds
ya'll know the dance - smile on your face
ya'll know the glance - try to put em on they blow the chance
never let your so called mans know your plans
how many of us have them
a show of hands
is a term some people use loosely
im real choosey on what i choose to let crew see
you tellin me, i try to act broke
jealously the number one killa amongst black folk
fellas be under some type of spell like crack smoke
ghetto cinderallas leadin right to your stack loke
just another way a chick will lead to your head
i checked the dictionary for the meaning of friends
it said...
person one likes to socialize with
sympathizing helper, and thats about the size of it
most of the time these atributes is one sided
to most of the crime they have to shoot you through your eyelid
and they cant hide it, go on whyle like a white b***h
sometimes you need to cut niggas off like a light switch
and when things get quiet, catch em like a thief in the night
what a riot
i first met mr. fantasic at an arms deal
dont let it get durastic think of how your moms'd feel
when it get from real steel get to sparkin
everythin darkin and aint no talkin
for somethin so cheap it sure buys a lot of trouble
they better of focusing then trying to plot the bubble
or else it'd be a sad note to end on the guns you got is
ones we can depend on friends
some come in the form of co-dependence
a lot of times only end up being co-defendants
ten bucks say they tell for a lower sentence
and leave you up under the jail beggin for repenance
it dont make no sense, what happened to the loyalty
honor amonst crooks, trust umungst royalty
id rather go out in a blaze than give em the glory
how many of us have a similar story... friends
before lovers we need to have some type of overstanding
just so when i let her get the man thing she know its no strings
we could do the damn thing, but hoe its no rings...
just how the tramp swings, once you see him again
that depends on how goods was the skins, cuz she memorized the lessons
...it aint no need to pretend, even though she let him stab it she know they just

User Comments: [3]
Nightmare Girl uyt
Community Member

Mon Mar 19, 2007 @ 07:57pm

cool twisted DUDE!!! this is kick a**!! and sooo very true,,but I must say the people I met Saturday night,, definately cool people!! SWEET entry,,u should enter a contest for ur writings,, biggrin

Community Member

Tue Mar 20, 2007 @ 12:51am

stare so long>>>well I read it and wow you are amazing>>>of corse you are you have me as a best friend lol love you man>>>well you are the coolest, funniest, and weirdest best friend I have but I love you>>>please don't kick my a** for that man I am sorry>>>you never pm me why what did I do now>>>I am always in trouble with you and well everyone lol I am a bad girl shame on me sweatdrop >>>love you dude

whee peace out whee

Community Member

Tue May 15, 2007 @ 04:27am

i love itttt!!!!!


User Comments: [3]
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