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Memoirs Of A Villain I write about my days, what I feel about the world and the ugly truth... If you cannot handle it all....then don't enter the mind of a villain....

Dokudokushii Akunin
Community Member
She wondered would it hurt again, a scary new setting, A Mary Lou Vetten, perfect 10, was it worth it then?
He would've made the click switch way back for a quick pitch in the A stack
With a bad b***h like payback with intrest. You should keep a nice cool trim list. Flipped for a high school gymnast
She was thicker than the kick off SuperSonic.Sicker than the Bubonic. To Vic it was butonic.
Wow. Found a new playmate.At this late stage of the game, he couldn't get the name straight.
Told her, "It was all up in yo calf muscles." Showed her how to pull it off. Bawl, laugh, and tussle.
At one point, she thought he was a lame cat with game for the rats. A dog to claim the blame at.
He told her, "maybe it's ya mama fault for givin you the shake up." Some me, some 'er, somersault

Butterflies at the very mention. The flutter of her eyelashes helps to clear the tension.
Then went, took a fall, head over heels. Then got dirtier than Red Rover's wheels.
No matter how high stakes the price.His good luck charm on his arm, shake the dice.
It's gymnastics. Practice makes nice. Shes not the type to be enticed by fake ice.
(inhale) Ah. The smell of first love. The quench of the thirst made it worst. Gimme the burst of Uncle Thrust's potion.
Trust. Devotion. Lust is like the sand where the beach meets the ocean.
Soakin'. Felt joy in a whirlwind. Never did she ever mention girlfriend/boyfriend.
Demanded her respect. Then ran abd did a handspring and landed on her neck.

User Comments: [2]
Chaos Spring
Community Member

Wed Mar 14, 2007 @ 06:16pm

Nice poetry. I never knew. I think you are better than my poetry and I am pretty good at it.

Community Member

Tue May 15, 2007 @ 04:37am

you should teach me how to do poetry!!


i suck at ittt!!


User Comments: [2]
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