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Just me
when im bored ill add random info,lists, pics etc
a thread
wow...i went to a pyp thread....i really shouldnt have bothered, i knew no1 would say anything about the pic anyway......
but here is an excert(sp)

Toobis Koresh
Toobis Koresh
Toobis Koresh

I've told you plenty of times
you declaring my sexual orientation is nothing new
so what, im gay, whats your point? really? lol

my point is you should commit suicide in the fastest way possible instead of responding to my posts

wow....um...harsh?? who cares what orientation other people are???
they are still humans....
what is up with the world

this thread has really gotten me "depressed"
everyone is so cruel and mean and take things really seriously...im not a tree hugger or anything, but holy crap.....this is how wars get started. the world would be alot better off with out all these bitc*** and a$$holes
everyones lives would be a lot better with out all the hatred
and i know if just part of human nature, but jeeeze
notice i say human nature, cuz you dont see lions out in the sacvanah or whatever calling each other weak,ugly,gay,stupid.....


great, two cocksuckers in the thread now

excuse me???
i am a female is against that...
and how do you come yo that conclusion when i only voiced my opinion

because you clearly want his homosexual nuts, otherwise you would've ignored my post

yet again you make a wrong accusasion....
i like sticking up for people that dont deserve your immature attitude....
and i like sticking up for what i believe in

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Rei Xao
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jun 21, 2008 @ 01:13am
That made me laugh. xD That guy, was a total idiot. Way to stickup for people! ='D

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