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Shenlong's Journal
Things going on in my life.
Another boring day. The only thing different about today is I get to look forward to having to wake up tomorrow and go into work =/. That's a bad thing by the way...

It really sucks doing the thing you hate most first thing when you wake up. I really hate PT. Not because I don't want to be physically fit, because the army makes it suck. If I was doing it on my own, to get into shape or something, it would be OK. But the army wants you do it outside in circumstances when you wouldn't normally do it. If it's 0 degrees out, you still have to go outside to do PT. Some people will listen to common sense and let you go inside, but sometimes they won't. So it really sucks, and not only that, but it doesn't help you either. Because think about it. If you were outside in the freezing cold working out, would you actually be giving it you're all? Or would you just be doing enough to not get yelled and and waiting for it to be over?

Whatever, another boring day, another boring journal entry. Talk to you tomorrow journal buddy~

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Mar 13, 2007 @ 07:28am
*patpat* Don't forget to mention you might get sick.

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