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Some parables ive heard
A man ran over a nail in his car, so he got out to change the tire, but he lost all four of the screw things that go on tires, and to make it interesting, he came to a stop right outside a loony bin place...

Man: aww man what shall i do? how am i going to put in the spare tire if i dont haved the four screws?

Random crazy person(who just happened to see him break down): what happened to them?

Man: ive lost them in the mud and cant find them, what am i to do?

Random crazy person: why dont you take one screw off each of the other tires and put em on the one that doesnt have any?

...So the man tried that and it worked, each tire had three screws, but it worked!

Man: wow, that was pretty clever, what is a smart person like you doing in there?

Random crazy person: because, im not in here because im stupid, im in here because im crazy

...So the moral of this story is, dont think youre better or smarter than a person just because theyre crazy, they could just as easily be as smart or smarter than you

Community Member
  • 04/22/07 to 04/15/07 (1)
  • 03/11/07 to 03/04/07 (1)
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