I like bunnies, they're fun.
Oh, I used to have a bird, but my sister killed it. I knew she killed it but I forgave her. THough I knew it, I thought of it as only getting sick and dying. It died after going through alot of convulsions. I was neer sure how exactly my sister killed my bird, but I later heard through my parents by accident on their part, that the bird had accidently been stepped on. I'm thinking not. SHe also killed her own bird. SOmetimes, yes I can feel my family very well... She has these fits, like wanting to hurt or be hurt. Eeryone gets them, but few are strong enough to actually cause this. Yes, she killed, but she's my sister. I don't love anything, but I respected my bird's intelligence, I had made it human, so I was disappointed that my sister had killed such a good specimen of my handiwork. Ahhh.... Well, no use crying over spilled blood, it's not like it's going to suck itself back in, right? Oh, and I'm a very good actress, I was able to play sad very well, tears and all, the problem is that I get bored so easily with that role sweatdrop I had to or my dad would have been mad depressed and sad, he really liked that bird. ANyhow, yeah. I also used to have a bunny, but Andrea took that away as well. I'm always really alone anyway.... But sometimes it's nice to have an inferior lifeform as my interest point... Playing with the living is more fun than that of the non. stare
bluevibes · Fri Mar 09, 2007 @ 05:03am · 0 Comments |