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Shenlong's Journal
Things going on in my life.
Eh... I went to sleep at like 6 or 7 this morning. I set my alarm for like 3:30, so that I wouldn't wake up at 7 and then not be able to sleep tonight. I guess my plan worked, cause I been tired since I got up. Now I think I'm gonna watch an episode of Boston Legal and go to sleep after I finish this journal.

Tomorrow is gonna suck. I have to go do a bunch of stupid crap in preparation for deployment. Only, it's just a practice run, because we're not deploying until sometime around July-ish. So we're gonna have to do this stuff again before we deploy. And it's not something that you would actually need to practice, it's just a ******** waste of time =/. I really hate the army. I hate my job, but if they would at least let me do it once in a while that would be nice...

Anyways, like I said, tired. Gonna go watch some Boston Legal and then sleep... BTW, if anyone else watches it, Alan Shore is like my hero, I wish I could be like him, heh (just a random thought I felt like throwing out there).

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Mar 05, 2007 @ 07:58am
heart Hey Hun, I know I should be in bed BUT after draggin' BUTT all day from the Phenergan last nite I wasn't really tired. Anyway, yes I read this. Just wasn't sure if you'd be ok with me commiting on it. I figured you'd rather hear about my thoughts on how you feel & how your day went in a PM. If not & you'd be ok with this, ... that works too. Just let me know. Now, . . . Random thought from home/Mama, "YOU ARE MY HERO"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heart LOVE YA, Mama

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