[Relationship Status] - I'm taken by the best guy ever!
[Parents still together] - yepp
[Siblings] -1 younger sis and bro
[Pets] - a cute doggie ^.^
[Fav. Color] - black, red, purple, and blue
[Fav. Number] - 6
[Fav. Animal]- FERREt! ftw lolz
[Fav. Book] - Uhhhmm
[Flower] - a rose..duh
Do You
[Twirl your hair?]- NO!! itll ruin my hair lmao
[Cheat on tests?] - Only for language arts..if im too lazy to do work
[Like roller coasters?] Somewhat yesh
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] Couldnt say that
[Write in cursive or print?] Print...tis neater
[Know how to drive?] Depends...
[Ever get off the internet?] sometimes
[Believe there is life on other planets?] Yeah..but it creeps me out o.0
[Read the newspaper] only for comics..ok?
[Current clothing] Red tee and pj pants
[Current hair] Up to my shoulders and bangs are swept to the side whee
[Current thing I ought to be doing] sleeping (but i dont want to)
[Currently playing] Battleon RPG
[Last movie you watched] - Saw III and i loved it!! (so gorey)
[Last thing you ate] Filipino food heart
[Last thing you drank] Pepsi
[First crush] In the 1st grade haha
[You believe in "the one?"] Somewhat if they truly care for you
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] Nope
[Too shy to make the first move?] Lets say that... sweatdrop
Are You:
[A Daydreamer] Hell yeahs
[Sarcastic]- 2nd language baby wink
[Shy] Sometimes
[Talkative] At lunch during skool, YEAH
Would You Rather:
[Pierce your nose or lip?] gah...does both count?
[Be serious or funny?] hmmm?
[Simple or complicated?] Depends
About You:
[What time is it] 4:05
[Name] Alysia
[Nickname] AJ, Giggles, Shorty, Asian Gurl ( stare )
[Height] 4'10 (im probably so short cuz its in my family genes or i just drink frappichinos mad D)
What Do You Want
[Where do you want to live] New york!!
[How many kids do you want] 2
[What kind of job do you want] Artist (in drawing and music) and a graphic desginer
[Do you want to get married] Yup
[are you double jointed] yeah in my fingers tis kool
[Can you cross your eyes] Yeah but i look retarded whee
[Can you roll your tongue] Chaw
[Which shoe goes on first] Right
[Brand of sock] I dunno??
[Shirt preference] Medium
[How much money do you carry in your wallet] $165 yepp.
[Where do you like to shop for clothes] Anywhere i want... sweatdrop
In the Last Day Have You:
[Bought something] Guess so..=/
[Gotten sick] Yeah..threw up alot!!
[Sang] Yeah last night during Rock Block
[Felt stupid] Yep..right now i do for taking this
[Missed someone] Of course
[Gotten drunk] Nope
[Gotten high] Somewhat whee
[Danced crazy] Hmm dont remember
[Gotten your hair cut] Oh yeah
[Watched cartoons/anime] Almost everyday
Last Person That:
[Saw you cry] Friends
[Slept in your bed] Me duh!
[Made you cry] Parents!!
[Said 'I love you' to you] My dad..he came home from duty ^_^
Have You Ever:
[Been to Europe] no
[Been to Hawaii] no
[Been to the Caribbean] Yea...NOPE
[been to Mexico] NO DAMN IT haha
Answer Honestly
[Honestly, are you in love right now] i like someone o.0
[Honestly, what color is your boxers] IM NOT A GUY LOL
[Honestly, whats on your mind right now] NO SKOOL! but i haves to
[Honestly, what are you doing right now] Nothing
[Honestly, what did you do today] Got up to go to school
[Honestly, do you think you are attractive] No..but other ppl think im pretty..
[Honestly, have you done something bad today] dont think so o.0
[Honestly, do you watch disney channel] Sometimes if im in the mood
[Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now] somewhat yes
[Honestly what makes you happy most of the time] Going to my friends' house
[Honestly, do you bite your nails] i try not to
[Honestly, what is your mood right now] Mad
Honestly, who do you want to see at this very moment] My old friends
[Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret] Of Course!
[Honestly, do you hate someone right now] yeah
[Honestly, do you like someone] yesh
[Honestly, does anyone like you] Yepperz
[Honestly, is it going anywhere with them] No, but he wants to date me soo bad
[Honestly, did you answer all these questions honestly] yes..and if you guys dont think so..go to hell!
[last person you hugged] My bestestful friend
[last time ridden in car] WHen i went to my grandmas house
[last time you cried] About 3 or 4 days ago
[last time you ate] Probably 5 minuteas ago
[last shirt worn] Volcom t-shirt with a whilte undershirt
[last phone call] Chris
[last thing you touched] a pencil for drawing mad D
[last funeral] Oh wow...uhmm in 1999
[last time at the mall] Last weekend
[last time you were really excited for something] My B-day!! [21st]
[last person you saw] My sleeping sister
[last thing you drak] FRAPPICHINO! pirate
[last time you were honestly really happy] No more sleeping for me
is this enough info you ppl need??!? stare
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ILY. but, yeah. {i like your mom} O.O
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