Just felt like showing off some of the outfits I came up with that I thought were particularly good.
![User Image](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v392/Tsukihito/Avatars/DemonicTsuki.png) "Demonic Tsuki" My most recent one (and the one I'm currently wearing. I started out with the Universal Coat thing and thought that I could try making something kind of evil looking, so I added the Demonic Halo and Demonic Pendant. But the blue hair looked off, so I tried going with the fire hair, and it worked.
![User Image](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v392/Tsukihito/Avatars/KeybladerTsuki.png) "Keyblader Tsuki" My Kingdom Hearts tribute. I added the keyblade and went from there. It's one of my blue-themed outfits, as you can see.
![User Image](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v392/Tsukihito/Avatars/ChristmasTsuki.png) "Christmas Tsuki" Just an outfit I came up with for this past Christmas. Wouldn't have come up with it though had the newer Christmas items not been brought out.
![User Image](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v392/Tsukihito/Avatars/Ninjaconsumedbythedarkness.png) "Ninja consumed by darkness" As the title says, my avi is a ninja that has been consumed by the power of darkness. I came up with the basis that a ninja, seeking to become strong in order to fulfill his duty turned to the power of darkness, and was eventually overcome by it.
![User Image](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v392/Tsukihito/Avatars/DarkNinjaver2.png) "Dark Ninja" Similar to the previous one except that the basis for this outfit was that the ninja was dark to begin with. The reason for the chains around his hands are to bind him until his power is needed. So he's pretty much a last resort ninja, only to be used when there's no choice left. This was my second version of the outfit.
![User Image](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v392/Tsukihito/Avatars/FallenAngelTsukihitover3.png) "Fallen Angel" This outfit here is that of an angel that's fallen from grace and is being punished for it. He's not evil in the fact that he'd be sent to hell, but he's not pure enough in accordance to heaven's standards. If anything, you could probably say he's more human in personality than angel. The dark halo and the bad-a** type clothes signify his bad side, as you might call it, but the angel wings show that he's still an angel. His punishment includes being chained at the hands.
![User Image](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v392/Tsukihito/Avatars/NinjaTsukihitover2.png) "Ninja Tsuki" A regular ninja version of my avi. That would be the 2nd version of the outfit.
![User Image](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v392/Tsukihito/Avatars/MaskedSamuraiAngel.png) "Masked Samurai Angel" My superhero type outfit. I had come up with the idea of a samurai angel years ago, but I decided to make him a superhero, and added the mask. Oh, and if you call him birdy, you'll get your lips sliced off.
![User Image](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v392/Tsukihito/Avatars/BacktoSchoolTsuki.png) "Back to School" I came up with this back in August, to go along with the whole going back to school season (though I wasn't going to be going to school until September). The panda backpack was loaned to me by my friend Tiffie. It more or less makes the look what it is.
![User Image](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v392/Tsukihito/Avatars/StalkerTsukihito.png) "Stalker" Not stalker in the sense that he's obsessed with someone, but more along the lines of following someone to gather information on them or having the intention of killing them. I kind of just randomly threw stuff together and came up with this. It kind of scared Tiffie, just a bit.
![User Image](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v392/Tsukihito/Avatars/YamiTsuki.png) "Yami Tsuki" As the title states this is my dark outfit (yami means dark in Japanese). I just put together all the dark clothes I had (along with the OMG I borrow from PRA) and came up with this.
![User Image](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v392/Tsukihito/Avatars/Tsukihito14.png) This is another outfit I came up with using PRA's OMG. I liked this one because while it was fairly simple looking, and near realistic, it was also quite unrealistic as well.
![User Image](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v392/Tsukihito/Avatars/Tsukihito13.png) This is just another one of the dark outfits I came up with, but I also came up with the basis that my avi is a warrior with his black cat familiar.
![User Image](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v392/Tsukihito/Avatars/NekoTsukihito3.jpg) "Neko Tsuki" I was very pleased with how this outfit turned out. I wanted to make a very cat looking avi, and this is how it turned out. I came up with the short story that my avi is part of a race of half-cat people, and is wandering around to find his people and the place he belongs. He is accompanied by his two cat companions who are protecting him on his way.
![User Image](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v392/Tsukihito/Avatars/MaskedWarrior.jpg) "Masked Warrior" This is the precursor to the Masked Samurai Angel. Gaia didn't have the Ancient Katana out yet, but I still wanted to make a warrior type outfit, so I came up with this. My reason for the guitar on his back is that when he's camping out, or bored or something, he can just play the guitar to relieve his boredom.
![User Image](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v392/Tsukihito/Avatars/ButterflyTsukihito2.png) "Butterfly Tsuki" Just something I came up with when I wanted to make a butterfly outfit. Can't explain the ninja band though. I think I just was used to keeping it on or something.
![User Image](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v392/Tsukihito/Avatars/Kamihito.png) "Kamihito" Thsi would be the arch-nemisis of Tsukihito. I had kind of come up with a story in my head involving him and Tsukihito, but I've yet to write it all down (I started writing years ago, but stopped after awhile). He has similarities with Tsukihito (and there's a reason why), but he's more or less the opposite of him and he's pretty evil.
Tsukihito · Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 03:32pm · 2 Comments |